Headed Items
The Grange Road Phase 2 Cycle Route
Traffic Ramp Programme of Works 2020
That long awaited and urgently required footpath repairs are carried out at Orchardstown Park in Rathfarnham. The footpaths have deteriorated significantly, are badly in need of repair and at this stage constitute a dangerous trip hazard for residents in the area, particularly elderly residents.
That schools will be invited to work with SDCC in relation to installation of bike stands that have received NTA funding from the July Jobs Stimulus programme. This will mean positive engagement and collaboration between SDCC and school leaders in the decision of where and when works will take place and the ability for schools to be able to communicate with SDCC in a timely manner on such projects.
That the Manager reports on the plans for ramps within the RTFB area.
That this Committee asks the Chief Executive to investigate and fix the manhole shore outside (address provided)
That the Manager considers installing a pedestrian crossing at Ballyboden Road at the recently renovated pedestrian footbridge on Ballyboden Road, thereby connecting Willowbank directly to both sides of Ballyboden Road. The closest pedestrian lights are some distance away
Libraries & Arts
Headed Items
Library News & Events - 67134
Application for Arts Grants