Monday, November 13, 2006
QUESTION: Cllr. Joe Neville
To ask the Manager to outline what programmes/proposals are in situ to deal with the issue of homelessness in this County with specific reference to the geographical locations of such programmes/proposals and will the Manager outline the number of homeless in the County as ascertained by this Local Authority and various voluntary groups and will the Manager break down those numbers on an electoral area basis?
The Council's adopted Three-year Action Plan aims to ensure the delivery of effective and integrated responses to people who are homeless. A Co-ordinator has been appointed by South Dublin County Council to oversee the implementation of the Action Plan. In order to satisfactorily address this issue in conjunction with relevant state bodies and the various voluntary agencies with expertise in this area, a range of emergency, transitional and refuge accommodation has been provided by the Council. Particular emphasis has been placed in the current Plan on homeless preventative measures and the provision of localised services for homeless persons.
In addition to transitional accommodation already provided in Clondalkin under the previous Action Plan, a further 17 units of transitional accommodation became operational in Tallaght area last year, bringing the overall number of units to 26. Plans for the provision of emergency accommodation at a number of locations throughout the County are well advanced and a women’s refuge has been opened.
South Dublin County Council has awarded 26 homeless applicants overall priority for housing to-date in 2006. Of these, 10 have been housed while a further 16 are having Garda checks carried out prior to their being housed. Once these allocations are dealt with the Council’s Homeless Register will contain 38 applicants. These 38 have all registered within the last 9 months and their applications are being reviewed by the Outreach Worker
The Council is currently developing an extensive housing programme and South Dublin County Council will continue to explore various options including some under the Part V Housing Strategy with a view to meeting its obligations. The Plan provides for up to 10% of all lettings by South Dublin County Council being made to households, which are homeless.