South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, November 13, 2006


HEADED ITEM: Des English

Report on Public Notification Procedure Under Part 8 of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001 - 2003 for the proposed construction of 3 dwellings at Airlie Heights, Lucan.

A notice in accordance with Article 81 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001-2003 was published on August, 2006 to construct an infill housing development of 2 no. single storey two bedroom units and 1 no. one and a half storey three bedroom units on lands at Airlie Heights, Lucan, Co. Dublin . The works to include alterations to the existing road layout, off street parking and landscape works to the existing street, new boundary treatments and all necessary associated ancillary works.

Plans and particulars of the development were made available for inspection by the public for four weeks until Monday 12th September, 2006 and a further two weeks until Tuesday 26th September, 2006 was allowed for the making of written submissions and observations to the Council in relation to the matter.

Airlie Heights Map 4   

Site location Airlie Heights

Part 8 Advert

Project summary & schedule of units

One written submission was received from Ann Byrne, 107 Airlie Heights, Lucan, Co. Dublin

A summary of points raised in the submissions:

Loss of green area and visual aspect.

The site of the proposed development is a “backland area” left over from the planning of the estate. The Council’s Parks and Landscape Services Department currently maintains an area of 9.6 acres (including football pitches) of designated open space in Airlie Heights and have confirmed that the proposal would not encroach onto the designated open space.  However, in order to avoid any suggestion of an impact on the football pitches it is proposed to relocate the southern boundary of the proposal in a northerly direction and create a bigger buffer to main open space/playing pitch area. 

b)   Maintenance of estate by residents

The Council wishes to acknowledge the efforts of residents in the maintenance and upkeep of the estate to date and would hope that such activity continues.

c)    Development at Adamstown

 Residents acknowledge the need for housing but with the development of up to 10,000 new homes being provided at Adamstown they feel that there is no need for an additional three dwellings at Airlie Heights .

Response: The proposal is an attempt to respond to the housing needs of the area where there are approximately 2,400 applicants for social housing in Lucan. The completion of the development at Adamstown is to be phased over many years and while it is anticipated that approximately 750 social units will be provided in the total development, the supply will not have kept pace with the growing demand for housing in the interim.

The Architectural Services Department has indicated that should the three units included in this proposal not proceed, the unit cost of providing the two units, approved at the July meeting of the Council, may exceed the Department’s unit cost ceiling.

Staff from the Council’s Housing Department and Architectural Services Department most recently met with the residents on 5th September 2006 in relation to the scheme. 

As the proposed development as amended in the foregoing report and now comprising the construction of three dwellings is in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, it is proposed to proceed with the development as amended.

The Lucan/ Clondalkin Area Committee at its meeting on the 24th October 2006 considered the foregoing report.  The report was noted.