South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, September 05, 2006


MOTION: Cllr. John Lahart

"That the Council take all necessary action to enforce action at the development site at Cedar Grove, Firhouse Road, and ensure that the builder complies with all conditions imposed by An Bord Pleanala


Planning permission, subject to conditions, was granted by An Bord Pleanála for the “demolition of existing two-storey house and the construction of a three-storey apartment block over basement car parking consisting of 24 number apartments comprising of four number one bedroom apartments, 19 number two bedroom apartments and one number three bedroom apartment, 24 number basement car parking spaces, bicycle parking, three number surface car parking spaces, landscaping, planting, new entrance to include pedestrian access and associated site development works at Cedar Grove, Firhouse Road, Templeogue, Dublin (reg. ref. SD03A/0789 refers).”

Following the commencement of development, concerns were expressed by local residents that the development may have not been carried out in accordance with the permission. Of particular concern were the removal of trees from the site and the use of the footpath and grass verge immediately outside the site for parking of their cars by employees.

Parking on public roadways and footpaths is the responsibility of the Gardaí and this particular concern has been brought to the attention of the Gardai at Rathfarnham Garda Station.

The permission granted by An Bord Pleanála required the developer to submit detailed proposals in relation to the following conditions:

5.         Prior to commencement of construction of development, details of the materials, colours and textures of all the external finishes to the proposed development shall be submitted to the planning authority for agreement.


Reason:  In the interest of orderly development and the visual amenities of the area. 


6.         Prior to commencement of development, a management scheme providing adequate measures relating to the future maintenance of private open spaces, roads and communal areas in a satisfactory manner shall be submitted to the planning authority for agreement.


Reason: To ensure the adequate future maintenance of this private development in the interest of residential amenity.


7.         The site shall be landscaped in accordance with a (tree survey and) landscaping scheme which shall be submitted to the planning authority for agreement before development commences.  This scheme shall include:

(a)        A plan to scale of not less than 1/500 showing-

            (i)         the trees to be removed and those to be retained, indicating species, heights, crown spread and condition,


(ii)        the species and setting of all new planting,

           (iii)       proposals for levelling, mounding  and surface treatment of communal areas including hard surfaced areas of public open space;

(b)        landscape management plan to include details of the measures to protect existing trees and shrubs during the construction phase; and


(c)        A timescale for the implementation of this scheme indicating details of phasing.

Reason:  In the interest of visual amenity.

As the required proposals had not been submitted, an Enforcement Notice pursuant to Section 154 of the Planning & Development Act 2000 was served on the developer on 26 April 2006 requiring him to cease work on the site until his proposals to comply with the above conditions were received. The developer has submitted his proposals in relation to landscaping the site. These proposals are being examined at present by the area Planner.

Further enforcement action in relation to this matter is being held in abeyance pending consideration of the compliance documents submitted.