Tuesday, November 12, 2024
MOTION: Councillor P. Kearns
That this committee call on the Manager to ensure that the pedestrian crossing that was part of the grant of planning permission at the mixed use development on St James Road / Limekiln Green, Greenhills Dublin 12 is installed without further delay.
There are several applications to the subject site. The parent permission for same is SD16A/0060 for Mixed use development comprising the following elements; (1) Demolition of the existing public house (1037.5sq.m) take-away (34.6sq.m), betting office (47sq.m) and associated accommodation and the retention of the existing public house basement (84.4sq.m); (2) Construction of an anchor retail unit area of 565sq.m incorporating ancillary off-licence and 5 retail units (ranging from 101sq.m to 192sq.m); Doctors surgery (137.6sq.m) consisting of 2 consultation rooms and associated accommodation; Re-location of existing public house (250sq.m), betting office (153sq.m) and take-away; (3) The residential element comprises of 26 units in total consisting of 5 one bed apartments, 18 two bed apartments, 2 three bed apartments and 1 three bed duplex all above the retail element at first and second and part third floor levels; (4) Ancillary building mounted and pylon signage, both illuminated and non illuminated. (5) other accommodation includes ESB substation, residential storage, bin sotres, plant rooms and meeting space. Vehicular and pedestrian access to the retail/residential elements is via existing access point on St. James' Road (northward) and Limekiln Green (eastward) with proposed additional vehicular and pedestrian access (southward) via Limekiln Green. The development also includes the retention of 38 existing car parking spaces and the provision of 33 proposed additional surface car parking spaces within the site and the provision of 27 on street car parking spaces on St. James' Road and Limekiln Green. Permission is also sought for new boundary treatments, hard and soft landscaping, revisions to roads and all associated and site developments works. Condition 2 required the submission of revised plans which included a zebra crossing and beacons to the Park for agreement with the Roads Department. Related details were submitted by the developer in October 2020 and referred to the Roads Department, this pre-dated the introduction of a statutory timeline for compliance details. It does not appear notice issued to the developer on whether these details were agreeable. Related similar details may have been agreed pursuant to amending applications - SD19A/0044, SD19A/0371, SD20A/0107, SD20A/0301, SD23A/0153.
Under Planning reference SD19A/0371, the applicant was required to construct a Zebra pedestrian crossing opposite the entrance to Horkins Centra, St. James Road. SDCC will be following up with the applicant to ensure that this crossing is delivered, as required in their grant of planning.