Tuesday, November 12, 2024
QUESTION: Councillor R. Mannion
Would like to seek an update on the progress of the Ballycullen - Oldcourt Local Area Plan; were objectives achieved, what works are outstanding and is there a strategy or plan in place to address these deficits going forward?
The Ballycullen-Oldcourt LAP was adopted in May 2014 and expired 29th Sept 2024.
Recognising that the LAP would expire during the term of the current County Development Plan the objective outlined below was included in the development plan as is the road network required for the LAP lands.
QDP14 SLO 3 of the County Development Plan 2022-2028 states:
That the provisions of the Ballycullen - Oldcourt Local Area Plan (2014) as extended, in respect of the steep topography in the lands zoned RES-N between Stocking Lane, Ballycullen Road and the M50 (Map 10) remain in force during the lifetime of this Plan having regard to ministerial guidelines.
Progress on Infrastructure / Community / Schools / Parks Projects
Roads/Streets - Ballycullen/Oldcourt Street Network – delivery ongoing with sections completed where development has occurred. The remaining road infrastructure to the west of the LAP lands will be delivered as part of development yet to receive planning permission.
Major infrastructure works completed to Stocking Avenue to accommodate the LAP lands. This includes cycle lanes, pedestrian crossings and upgrade to road width and alignment.
Parks – areas of open space delivered with development to the east of the lands, with further open space planned within future development sites. The planned area of parkland to the west of the lands will be delivered as part of future development.
Community Centre - Plans for The Park Community Centre are currently expected to go to Part 8 public consultation before end of the year.
Local Centres - The local centre on the eastern part of the lands at the White Pines is in place which includes a Tesco and separate childcare facility.
Local Centres - The local centre at Beechdale on the western part of the lands is delivered providing a Lidl
Schools - The LAP made provision for 2 no. school sites. Taking the Ballycullen Road as the centre, the sites are separated into east and west. The LAP outlines that the site to the east is for a primary school, while a site to the west is primary / post-primary school site. A post-primary on the site to the west has planning permission in place for a 1,000 pupil Post Primary School (Firhouse Educate Together Secondary School) on Oldcourt Road and currently accommodates a temporary post primary school while awaiting the permanent structure. Furthermore, a recent High Court case which challenged the reserved school site to the east as identified on the County Development Plan has been won by the Council and the reservation remains. The Council will continue to engage with the Department of Education on the delivery of a school on this site as the population increases and the need is identified
Since the LAP was adopted, two primary schools within the wider area have been built, both of which are located outside the LAP boundary. These schools were not identified within the LAP document as they were only included in the 2016 – 2022 Development Plan. These new primary schools are Gaelscoil na Guise and Firhouse Educate Together, both of which are located on Killininny Road. The Holy Rosary Primary School is also located outside but within the wider LAP area.
Population Growth
The Ballycullen Oldcourt LAP 2014 set a target of 2,100-2,800 units. These figures included 640 units which were already built at the time of the making of the LAP, providing for a requirement of 1,460-2,160 units on the lands remaining to be developed, equating to 3,942-5,832 persons.
In summary:
Overall, taking completed, permitted not commenced, units under construction and undeveloped lands, the LAP lands have the potential to deliver over their lifetime a total 3,058 units. This will exceed the original LAP target. The increase from the original target has arisen on foot of changes in national policy around density which were reflected by decisions of An Bord Pleanala in particular. The final number of units may change where revisions to planning applications which have been subject to judicial review or for other reasons are revised. Notwithstanding, the original target of the LAP is likely to be exceeded.
The LAP lands will continue to be built out in accordance with the objectives indicated in the County Development Plan and subject to the relevant standards in that plan having regard to the original intentions and general layout of the local area plan.