Tuesday, October 22, 2024
MOTION: Councillor L. O'Toole
Cathaoirleach's Business
This motion seeks the management's attention regarding ongoing issues at the bottle recycling banks located at Castle Riada and Moyglass. There is a persistent problem of illegal dumping, including mattresses and other large items, which requires action from waste management authorities. The design of the site, particularly the "reverse in only" policy, is also a concern due to its location on a road bend and lack of adherence by users. An update is requested on the monitoring of these issues, including information on how much illegally dumped waste has been removed since changes were implemented.
The Waste Management & Compliance Section supports the promotion of community-based recycling through the provision of bottle banks. The reorientation and layout adjustments of the bottle banks at Castle Riada and Moyglass were undertaken in collaboration with SDCC's Transportation Section, as part of upgrade works on Griffeen Road. The “reverse in only” signage was installed based on recommendations from a Stage 3 Road Safety Audit following the completion of these works. It is anticipated that a further Road Safety Audit will be conducted as part of the proposed Esker Permeability Active Travel Scheme which is proposed to provide a link between Griffeen Road and the R136 adjacent the Bring Bank site. The active travel section is preparing a preliminary design which it is hoped to present to Members next year. As part of preparation of a preliminary design, it is intended to carry out a survey of this area in the coming months. The behaviour of road users, including adherence to the reverse-only policy, should be considered as part of this review.
With regard to the issue of persistent illegal dumping, the Waste Management & Compliance Section has on record only one complaint of furniture dumping at this site since the improvement works were completed. The Public Realm Section carries out routine litter removal at bring bank locations, including this one. SDCC have received no complaints of dumping at this site for more than 6 months.
Based on the current records and the low number of complaints, it could be concluded that the site is not currently viewed as a prolific dumping location.
The council continues to examine all options available to it to improve the aesthetic appearance of the county and continues to work with the elected members to deliver the Litter Management Plan Annual Action Plans. As always, the public is encouraged to work with the Council in helping to identify culprits who engage in illegal dumping and to report any incidents observed.
Reports of littering and illegal dumping can be made on the Council’s Litter Warden hotline on 01 4149220 and on the Environmental Protection Agency’s anti-dumping hotline on 1850 365 121.