Wednesday, September 18, 2024
MOTION: Councillor L. de Courcy
That this Area Committee recommends a Unique Census Form for Planning for residents of Brittas on assisting with grants of Permissions/Retention for their homes. Additionally that the Council recommends a Unique Planning Study of Brittas to take place to allow residents to live and/or build their own homes and see their genuine need of working their land where they were born and reared.
Brittas and the area around it is zoned High Amenity – Dublin Mountains (HA-DM) with the objective ‘To protect and enhance the outstanding natural character of the Dublin Mountains Area’. Lands zoned High Amenity come under the rural housing policy set out under the adopted County Development Plan 2022-2028 in Chapter 6 Housing, section 6.9.
The rural areas of South County Dublin are identified as an area under strong urban pressure. As per the Rural Housing Guidelines published by the Department of Environment (2005), and NPO 19 of the National Planning Framework a distinction is required to be made between rural areas under urban influence, that is within the commuter catchment of cities and large towns and centres of employment, and elsewhere. Based on the definition under the Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan (MASP), the entire rural area of South Dublin is under strong urban influence. The NPO outlines that for rural areas such as those in South Dublin County, the Development Plan should facilitate the provision of single housing in the countryside based on the core consideration of demonstrable economic or social need to live in a rural area and siting and design criteria for rural housing in statutory guidelines and plans, having regard to the viability of smaller towns and rural settlements. This approach follows on from the Rural Housing Guidelines (2005) and Circular SP 5 / 08. The County Development Plan seeks to strike a balance between facilitating housing for people who have a genuine need to live in rural areas of the County and that will contribute to the rural community and economy, while protecting such areas from urban generated housing and housing that would adversely impact on landscape character, environmental quality and visual amenity.
Anyone seeking advice in applying for a rural house can avail of the pre-planning service which the planning department offers.
The County Development Plan has a specific section on Brittas within Chapter 5, section 5.3, the text of which reads as follows:
‘Brittas is strategically located on the N81 national secondary route and continues to experience development pressure; particularly one-off rural housing within the surrounding rural area. Its location at the Dublin Mountains presents opportunities for tourism development which could support the local economy.
To maintain and enhance the vitality of this rural village it is an aim of this plan to prepare a planning study for Brittas Village, in consultation with local residents, landowners and local representatives, having regard to the implications of the proposed Natural Heritage Area designations, the future protection and enhancement of the village, the development of tourism potential in the area with a view to the long-term viability of the local community.’
The County Development Plan includes the following objective:
QDP12 SLO 1:
‘To support Brittas as a sustainable community and rural village of outstanding natural beauty and to prepare a planning study and study boundary for Brittas Village, in consultation with local residents, landowners and local representatives, having regard to the implications of the proposed Natural Heritage Area designations, the future population and enhancement of the village and to development of a tourist and leisure facility to include accommodation, associated services and activities at Brittas Ponds and surrounding lands with a view to maintaining and protecting existing assets and the long-term viability of the local community. The planning and tourism study shall be commenced within 12 months of the adoption of this County Development Plan and shall include an analysis of population and housing data.’
Some early analysis has been conducted on population and housing data following the release of the small area population statistics from Census 2022. Other relevant data from the Census, around travel to / from work, known as POWSCAR, requires an approval process with the CSO before it can be analysed, this is currently being sought.
The Transport section of the Council is liaising with Kildare County Council who have developed an options report for a safety scheme through the village section of the N81. Safety scheme proposals for this section of the N81 will be subject to engagement with the local community and formal public consultation.
The Planning Department has the planning study on its work programme for later in 2024 / early 2025, subject to the necessary resources being available.