South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, September 10, 2024


MOTION: Councillor P. Kearns

That this committee calls on the manager to increase the number of dog wardens in the county in order ensure that the park by laws in relation to dangerous breeds are adhered to.


The Bye-Laws for Parks and Open Spaces 2011 came into force on the 1st August 2011 and are for the use, operation, protection, regulation and management of Parks and Open Spaces owned, controlled and managed by, or in the charge of South Dublin County Council.   

Section 4 of the Bye-Laws deals specifically with the control of dogs, while Section 8 and 9 deal with enforcement, penalties and fixed payment notices in relation to the contravention of any of the provisions of the Bye-Laws.

Park Rangers as employees of the Council are authorised to enforce the SDCC Bye-laws.

4.1 Dogs:-

4.1.1 No person:

  1. a) Shall take into or allow to remain in a Park any dog unless it is under effective control on a leash other than in areas designated (dog runs) or at times specified by the County Council
  2. b) In charge of a dog in a Park shall engage it in coursing or permit it to be engaged in coursing in a Park.

4.1.2 Persons in charge of a dog in a park shall

  1. a) Take reasonable care to prevent it from causing annoyance to any person using the Park or worrying, chasing, injuring or disturbing any animals, birds or other creatures in the Park.
  2. b) Be liable for any damage or injury which may be caused by the dog.
  3. c) Remove it from the Park if so directed by an Employee of the Council or an Authorised Person.
  4. Fixed Payment Notice:-

9.1. If an Authorised Person and/or a member of the Garda Siochana has reasonable grounds for believing that a person is committing a contravention or has committed a contravention of a provision of these Bye-Laws the authorised Person and/or a member of the Garda Siochana may serve on the person a fixed payment notice in the general form as set out in the Schedule to these Bye Laws.

The Control of Dogs Act, 1986, Section 9 provides:

9.—(1) The owner or any other person in charge of a dog shall not permit the dog to be in any place other than—

(a) the premises of the owner, or

(b) the premises of such other person in charge of the dog, or

(c) the premises of any other person, with the consent of that person,

unless such owner or such other person in charge of the dog accompanies it and keeps it under effectual control

The Council's Dog Warden Service do regular checks of the parks and work with the Park Rangers when necessary. The dog wardens are responsible for the enforcement of the Control of Dogs Act 1986 as amended. This includes responding to complaints relating to dogs not under effectual control and/or dangerous dogs, carrying out of Licence Checks, the initiation of enforcement proceedings where possible and the seizure and collection of stray dogs and removal to the Dog Shelter. 

The Dog Wardens can be contacted on 01 414 9213.

The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD, and Minister of State with Responsibility for Local Government and Planning, Alan Dillon TD on the 25th of July 2024) announced funding of €2 million for local authorities to support the resourcing of dog warden services from 2025.

The funding recognises the increased demands around dog control and the need to ensure resources on the ground to enforce the pending ban on XL Bully dogs.