Tuesday, April 23, 2024
MOTION: Councillor L. O'Toole
The committee hereby requests the Chief Executive to conduct a thorough reassessment of the provision of childcare services in the Lucan area. This motion is prompted by the response to a question tabled during the previous month's meeting, which revealed a concerning trend of more creches closing than opening in the region.
The inadequacy of childcare services poses a significant challenge for residents in the Lucan area, particularly for new residents moving into the Adamstown area. These new residents were promised essential facilities, including childcare services, highlighting the urgency of addressing this issue.
We ask that the Chief Executive provide a statement outlining strategies and initiatives aimed at increasing the availability of childcare services and providers in the Lucan area.
This statement should encompass collaborative efforts with relevant stakeholders, potential policy revisions, and exploration of funding opportunities to facilitate the expansion of childcare facilities.
The content and context of the motion is noted. The approach of the Planning Department to the provision of childcare facilities is set out in the County Development Plan.
The County Development Plan requires 1 childcare facility providing for 20 places per 75 dwellings in new residential areas in accordance with the Childcare Facilities Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2001), subject to certain flexibility which may be applied under Circular PL3 / 2016. This is further provided for in COS2 Objective 2 which states:
‘To continue to work closely with the Health Service Executive, Department of Education and the relevant public bodies and state agencies to meet the necessary provision of primary care centres, childcare facilities, schools, community centres and public open space according to the standards set out in section 8.4.1 of this Plan.’
The Development Plan also includes objectives on the clustering of community facilities including the following:
COS2 Objective 4:
‘To support the clustering of community facilities such as community centres, sports and leisure facilities, schools, childcare facilities and open spaces to create multi-purpose community hubs without negatively restricting the range of services provided in any one centre.’
The Development Plan notes that pre-school childcare needs are difficult to assess on a long-term basis as the nature of demand evolves over time based on factors such as the population profile of an area, market conditions, government policy and the level of state intervention. Notwithstanding this, there is a recognised need for planned provision in new communities where no infrastructure exists. South Dublin County Council will seek to facilitate the provision of good quality and accessible childcare infrastructure at appropriate locations by combining area-based requirements in new communities with market-led provision in more established areas. Small-scale childcare and early education will be facilitated within residential areas where it is possible to protect residential amenity from potential impacts including noise, traffic and parking issues.
Any change in the planning approach would need to be led by Government policy. SDCC Planning is open to consultation and stakeholder engagement on childcare policy. The Planning Department has engaged with the County Childcare Committee to continue to improve the design and planning of childcare facilities.
In terms of SDCC delivery of childcare, the Community Service Department encourage the incorporation of childcare facilities within the design of our multi-purpose Community Centres, based on the understanding that the provision of a childcare service within local community centres, can enhance and complement the range of other community services offered to local communities. The provision of a childcare space can also be of assistance to help with financial sustainability of the community centre, to assist with the ongoing running costs, with the options existing of either hiring out the childcare space to an anchor tenant or for the childcare service to be run and managed directly by the management of the community centre.