South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, June 26, 2006


West Oldcourt Local Area Plan


It is proposed to initiate the process to make a Local Area Plan for the West Oldcourt area in accordance with Section 20 (1) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000.   The area which is mostly greenfield is zoned for development.   In general, the land rises south westwards gradually from the suburbs of Oldcourt, Ely Close and Oldcourt Cottages to the 120m contour and is located between Oldcourt road and Bohernabreena road.   The lands are predominently zoned with the objective A1 which seeks:

    “to provide for new Residential Communities in accordance with Approved Area Plans.”

Some 52 hectares of land is involved and likely to yield approximately 2,100 housing units. It is an objective of the council to limit the development of residential, commercial or industrial clusters to areas below the 120 metre contour in the Dublin Mountains area, (except where A1 zones are shown in this Plan above the 120 metre contour and also where specific objectives so permit in this Plan), in the interest of pursuing the policy of sustainability in both high amenity and rural areas.

A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) will also be required. This will provide information on the likely significant effects on the environment of implementing the Plan. SEA is similar to the project based Environment Impact Assessment EIA) in that both procedures attempt to assess in a systematic way the likely consequences for the environment of implementing proposals and to propose methods of minimising potential adverse environmental impacts. Unlike EIA however, SEA occurs earlier in the planning and development process and is applied to the preparation of plans or programmes rather than to individual projects.

 The following are some of the relevant issues for the West Oldcourt Local Area Plan:

 ·        Water supply, drainage, roads access and open space issues

 ·        Urban design and the quality of the built environment

 ·        Existing development constraints in the area

 ·        Integration of development with adjoining lands

 ·        Access, density, schools and proximity of the mountains.

 ·        Strategic environmental assessment

 ·        Building height

 ·        Dwelling mix


Pre-plan consultation.

If the committee approves the initiation of the process, a notice will be published in the press giving 6 weeks for pre-draft submissions or observations before preparing a draft Local Area Plan.    This will provide for pre-plan consultation with statutory bodies, local residents, public sector agencies, non-governmental agencies, local community groups and commercial and business interests within and adjoining the area.   An issues paper will be available for general consultation purposes.   This paper will be available in the Council Offices, all branches of South Dublin Libraries and on the Council’s website.  

The matters arising out of the consultation will be considered, reported on to the Council and a Draft Local Area Plan will be subsequently prepared.

The following is the draft text of the issues paper:



Pre Draft Consultation Issues Paper

 West Oldcourt Local Area Plan


South Dublin County Council propose to prepare a Local Area Plan for the West Oldcourt area as required by the 2004-2010 Development Plan.   The lands in the West Oldcourt area have been zoned with the following objectives:

This is an ‘Issues Paper’, produced for general consultation purposes, public comment and to stimulate local input.


The primary focus of the Local Area Plan for West Oldcourt is to enable the provision of new residential development in a manner that secures a form of dwelling types (and densities) with adequate services and facilities for the area and its community.

A Local Area Plan provides an area specific focus, whereby a detailed assessment of local planning issues can be made and pursued with the benefit of local community involvement.   This presents opportunities to set specific goals and objectives that will seek to guide the development of the plan area in accordance with Government Guidelines and Policies and County Council objectives.   The purpose of this document is to initiate the Local Area Plan process for West Oldcourt and support local input.   Local input is considered vital to the process.   This paper refers to planning issues, which are laid out under a series of headings below.   As this is a pre-Draft Plan Consultation paper, this list is not exhaustive.   The topic headings of this paper are:  

 1.     Plan Area

 2.     Principles of Future Development

 3.     Housing

 4.     Local Retail and Commercial Services

 5.     Community Facilities

 6.     Infrastructure: Transport and Services

 7.     Environment, Heritage and Landscape

 8.     Recreation



The plan area comprises of the lands zoned for development, in the 2004-2010 Development Plan between the Oldcourt Road, Ely Manor housing area, Bohernabreena Road, Bohernabreena Graveyard and the agricultural lands adjoining the Dublin Mountains.  The area comprises approximately 52 hectares to the south of the Firhouse / Ballycullen area.   The Local Area Plan must be in accordance with relevant policies set out in the 2004-2010 South Dublin Development Plan.



The following are important considerations to be made for the plan area. 


 3.1 Population and Settlement

Between 2002 and 2005, Firhouse Village and Bohernabreena Electoral District areas have experienced an estimated growth in population of approximately 3,311.

Information available from the 2002 Census local area statistics details that Firhouse Village and Bohernabreena ED had a combined population of 12,915. The 2005 Dwelling Survey indicates that there are 5,055 existing and occupied dwellings in Firhouse Village and Bohernabreena ED. The 2002 Census indicates that the average number of persons per private household in South Dublin County is 3.21. Using this figure it can be estimated that the population of Firhouse Village and Bohernabreena ED combined for 2005 is 16,226 (i.e. 5,055 x 3.21).

By 2020, this could rise by  an additional  16,545 the population to an estimated 32,771 persons.  This is an important issue in terms of accommodation needs, provision of services and facilities and provision of infrastructure. Key considerations therefore to be taken into account include:

3.2 Housing and Residential Development

The average household size in South Dublin in 2002 was 3.21 persons. This has dropped from an average of 3.5 persons in 1996 and is set to decrease even further in the coming years.   By 2010, the average household size for the urban South Dublin area projected to be 2.64 persons. Having regard to this changing household formation and thus family size, it is estimated that there will be a need for 18,446* additional housing units in South Dublin to accommodate population growth and changing residential requirements between 2006 & 2010. (*Source: para 1.3.1.x of the South Dublin County Council Development Plan 2004 -2010). 

This equates to an approximate delivery of 3,074 residential units a year between 2004 & 2010.   This is an important issue for South Dublin.   With this, a full spectrum of accommodation requirements will need to be provided for, including social, economic and cultural facilities.   Key considerations to be addressed for housing and residential development include:  


In South Dublin, Tallaght is one of two major town centres in the retail hierarchy. The Retail Strategy of the 2004-2010 Development Plan illustrated that the Tallaght Centre is dominated by comparison floor space, which serves an extensive catchment area including the Oldcourt area.  In relation to the Oldcourt area, there are a number of Local Centres in close proximity. Local Centres typically comprise of a small groups of shops, such as g a newsagent, small supermarket/general grocery store, possibly a sub-post office and other small shops of a local nature serving a small, localised catchment population.. Key issues include.  


5.1 Education
There is an Institute of Technology in Tallaght serving the area and there are other third level centres in the greater Dublin area. There is a second level school at Firhouse (Firhouse Community College) with  an enrolment of 578 pupils in close proximity to the area.   This represents a 14% reduction on pupil numbers from 5 years ago. Regarding primary school enrolment in the last 5 years, both Scoil Carmel and Scoil Treasa have had almost no change, whilst St. Dominics has had a reduction of 15%. In contrast, numbers at Naomh Maelruain and Holy Rosary have increased 16% and 38% respectively.   Holy Rosary primary School at Ballycragh  are in the process of providing additional classrooms to cater for their increased pupil numbers. 



Pupil nos.  

% change over 5 yrs.

Application for accommodation.

Naomh Maelruain/Old Bawn


+ 16%


Holy Rosary/Ballycragh, Oldcourt


+ 38%


Scoil Carmel




Scoil Treasa


+ 1%


St. Dominic’s


- 15%


Firhouse Community College


- 14%


The future educational requirements of the area must be considered as part of the Local Area Plan process. Key issues include:  

5.2 Community, Health & People
A strategic aim of this plan process is to ensure adequate provision of a range of community facilities and services to meet the needs of the local and new populations.  Delivery of such services and facilities by either the Local Authority or other agencies will be dependent on the attainment of a critical mass support population to ensure effective functionality and viability.   The attainment of community facilities can be an important aspect of the Local Area Plan preparation. The development of a sustainable and well served community should be delivered through the desires and needs highlighted from the local community of the Oldcourt area. Key issues include: 


6.1 Transport

The plan preparation process will assess land use and transportation issues that relate to the Oldcourt area and key development areas that are relevant and within close proximity to the plan area, particularly the Firhouse, Ballycullen, Bohernabreena and Scholarstown areas.   Preparation of the Local Area Plan will involve investigating potential linkages to existing and new development areas within proximity of the plan area and thus creation of a transport system that will synchronise the pedestrian, cyclist and public transport with existing modes. Key issues include:   

6.2 Services

South Dublin has a secure supply of water for both domestic and commercial users. Water conservation projects have reduced demands on water sources and increased efficiencies in treatment and delivery of quality water supplies. However, water supply, wastewater treatment, and surface water disposal are all major issues that are addressed in the 2004-2010 Development Plan.


The Study area is traversed by 2 major raw water mains supplying the reservoir at Stocking Lane.   This will be a significant constraint on the layout of development.    In relation to the energy network capacity, there are no problems for the foreseeable future. The study area is however traversed by a 220 KV ESB transmission line which will also impact on the layout of development.


Oldcourt is on the gas pipeline network, which is a major boost to domestic energy in the area. Broadband telecommunications infrastructure in the South Dublin area is well developed, comprehensive and provides adequate capacity for current requirements and for any likely demand over the coming years. Issues concerning services include:  



7.1 Natural and Built Heritage

It is important that the proposed future development is sensitive to the receiving environment, which includes the Dublin Mountains, and the River Dodder. Issues in this regard include:  


8.1 Recreation

There is circa 0.5 Ha of land zoned for open space and recreation within the Local Area Plan boundary at present.    The Local Area Plan will seek to establish landscape objectives that take cognisance of the both the existing landscape character.   The Local Area Plan will identify future public open space requirements with a view to providing space for both passive and active recreation. Relevant issues include:  

Making a submission

Submissions on the pre-draft consultation should be addressed to;

Jim Johnston,
Senior Executive Planner
Planning Department
South Dublin County Council
County Hall
Dublin 24

or by email to

In all cases submissions must be in writing and received by Thursday  10th August 2006.

All submissions and observations lodged within the above time period and made only to the above postal or email addresses will be taken into consideration during the preparation of the Draft West Oldcourt Local Area Plan.

For further information, please contact   Jim Johnston , Senior Executive Planner  01 -  414 9197.

The Next Steps 

A Draft  Plan will be prepared and  put on public display for a period of public consultation and comment in the late Autumn. It is intended that the Plan will be finalised in late 2006 by the Council.