Tuesday, April 23, 2024
QUESTION: Councillor P. Gogarty
To ask the Chief Executive, given that the restoration and active use of the Silver (Farmleigh) Bridge is an objective in our Development Plan - and in anticipation of hopeful further advances being made by the lead stakeholder Fingal County Council - to outline what discussions have taken place and/or advance plans have been made to facilitate the timely and smooth purchase of the adjacent land on the South Dublin side to provide immediate access for walkers and cyclists when the Bridge is accessible; and if a statement can be made on the matter?
South Dublin County Council (SDCC) has maintained strong and regular contact with colleagues in Fingal County Council with regard the works undertaken on the Silver Bridge. As custodians of the bridge, the restoration and future use of the bridge is a matter for Fingal County Council, considering health and safety, financial outlay and ultimate use whilst having regard to significant constraints, in terms of structural, landownership, and finance.
Fingal County Council has informed SDCC that works on the Silver Bridge to preserve and secure it are nearing completion. The bridge structure has been restored, conserved, and lifted back into position while securing the site on both southern and northern banks. Mobilising contractors off site has recently commenced, and it is now envisaged these works will be completed in May.
At this time works do not include reinstatement of a bridge deck, and due to bridge dimensions, it is not feasible as a formal cycling route while the lands around are currently in private ownership, constraining any potential reopening. A structural appraisal has however been carried out and does allow for possible future installation of a 2m wide deck for pedestrian use within the steel structure.
To date Fingal County Council has invested almost €2,000,000 in these works which upon completion will provide an opportunity to re-establish this important Liffey crossing connecting Fingal and South Dublin.
Fingal County Council have proposed a joint feasibility study with South Dublin County Council to explore on the northern and southern sides of the bridge, the options for routing, and land acquisition, as well as further analysis of road safety issues, and cost planning. SDCC will consider this possibility positively and would welcome the opportunity to discuss further with Fingal County Council.