South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, March 26, 2024


QUESTION: Councillor L. O'Toole

This committee seeks confirmation regarding the efforts made to date in retrieving figures from the South Dublin Childcare Committee, as raised in a previous motion and corresponding questions.

The importance of obtaining these figures is emphasised by recent discussions in the SDZ meeting, specifically concerning creche capacity in the Adamstown area. Therefore, we kindly request the Chief Executive to provide an update on the efforts made to obtain the necessary figures from the South Dublin Childcare Committee.

This information will contribute significantly to our ongoing discussions and planning to ensure the effective delivery of childcare services in our community.


The Planning Section has met with South Dublin Childcare Committee to discuss childcare provision, share information related to phasing and housing delivery and share contact details with landowners to facilitate future discussions on the delivery of childcare in the Adamstown SDZ. The South Dublin Childcare Committee noted that Adamstown is an area that difficulties arise when attempting to secure childcare spaces, and this was also found with regard to babies (under 1 year) across South Dublin. There are 241 services registered across South Dublin, the majority of which are privately operated. In relation to childcare service closures and openings since 2016/2017, the Childcare Committee outlined that there a more services closing than opening. The ratio of closures to openings is difficult to identify as existing childcare services getting a new Tusla/DCYA number are counted as openings. 

SDCC Planning continues to liaise with the landowners and encourages the collaboration of all landowners in Adamstown with the South Dublin Childcare Committee to ensure high quality and well designed childcare spaces are delivered before or in tandem with the Phasing requirements of the Planning Scheme. The Planning Scheme states that the minimum requirements for childcare spaces in the required facilities are set out in the scheme is 565 spaces, and that the SDZ itself has a minimum capacity of 600 spaces (following the approval of c.100 spaces in Adamstown Castle in 2006). The Scheme will also support proposals for early childhood care and education in flexible use buildings, community buildings such as community centres and schools and in homes subject to appropriate safeguards. These types of facilities are likely to facilitate a higher yield of childcare in the future once operational.

At present the facility in Adamstown Castle was granted in 2006 under application reference DZ06A/7 and is currently operational catering for circa 133 children.

In addition, there has been a grant for a 651sqm childcare facility at Tobermaclugg/Shackelton (across from Lidl) under SDZ18A/0002. It has been confirmed that it has recently opened and is operational, facilitating space for 133 children.

In St. Helens, an amended application has been submitted for the childcare provision within St Helens. Under application SDZ23A/0017, the redesign of 80 apartments within St Helens included provision of 808sqm of Childcare. This can cater for circa. 100-120 childcare.