South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, February 26, 2024


MOTION: Councillor T. Costello

"Following on from a public meeting in August regarding the road works on firehouse road west a request not to narrow the entrance to Dale park was a request made by the community This was SDCC's response 1. Retain a wide entry/exit at the junction from Dalepark Road onto Firhouse Road West and to formalise a left and right turn on Dalepark Road through the use of on-road lining. 2. Extend the yellow box on Firhouse Road West at the junction with Dalepark Road to allow more vehicles exit onto Firhouse Road West at peak times. As part of this the Council will continue to monitor the junction and will assess if there are benefits in making this a signalised junction, however, this could further impact on traffic on Firhouse Road West. I have attached a photo of how it looks now and I would request that given the havoc that this has caused for road users it be reversed back to its original format?"


The works on the Dalepark Road & Firhouse Road West junction are now complete with the exception of landscaping. The final design was the outcome of multiple meetings and redesigns to arrive at an iteration which satisfy both the commitment made above and the standards which have to be adhered to.  

The width of the junction was maintained at 9 metres, instead of 6 metres in the original design, allowing for formalised left and right turning lanes from Dalepark Road. The bell mouth was removed and the corner radii were reduced as per the requirements of the National Standards. 

The crossing point was reduced to 6 metres, as per standard, to allow for the introduction of parking on eastern side of Dalepark Road as per agreement. 

The yellow box was extended by 2.5 metres.

There can be no reinstatement of what was there previously as this would involve constructing a junction which would not be within standards and as such there SDCC could be deemed liable for any issues which may arise in the future.

The Council will continue to monitor this junction and adjustments will be carried out if required.