South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, December 18, 2023


HEADED ITEM: H. Administration

Minutes of Meeting of 27 November, 2023.



Minutes of South Dublin County Council November 2023 Tallaght Area Committee Meeting held on Monday 27 November 2023


Cllr L. Dunne

Cllr B. Pereppadan

Cllr T. Costello

Cllr C. O’Connor

Cllr M. Duff

Cllr P. Holohan

Cllr C. King

Cllr K. Mahon



Climate Change & Environmental Awareness Officer

Fionnghuala Ryan

Senior Engineer

Leo Magee, Gary Walsh, John Hegarty

Senior Executive Officer

Fiona Hendley, Mary Maguire

Senior Executive Engineer

Michael Heffernan

Senior Executive Librarian

Liz Corry

Senior Staff Officer

Fionnuala Keane

Staff Officer

Sean Barron

Assistant Staff Officer

Bill Fowler, Marian Travers


Councillor Louise Dunne, presided

Emergency Motion from Cllr. M Duff agreed

H1/1123 Item ID:81185

Proposed by Housing Administration

Minutes of Tallaght Area Committee Meeting held on 23rd October 2023 which had been circulated, were submitted, and APPROVED as a true record and signed.

It was proposed by Councillor L. Dunne, seconded by Cllr M. Duff, and


"That the recommendations contained in the Minutes of the Tallaght Area Committee

Meeting   held on 23rd October 2023 be Adopted and Approved.

H-I Minutes of the October meeting


It was proposed by Cllr M. Duff, seconded by Cllr C. O’Connor, and RESOLVED:” That pursuant to Standing Order No 1, Questions 1-14 be Adopted and Approved.


Q1/1123 Item ID:80572

Proposed by Councillor T. Costello                                                         

"To ask the manager how much has been spent on illegal green waste collection in Tallaght on a monthly basis YTD?"


The illegal disposal of green waste is an ongoing problem around the county and is one which the Council's litter wardens investigate on a regular basis.  Due to the method of waste collection used by the Public Realm Section it is not possible to quantify the amount of illegally dumped green waste nor is it possible to estimate a cost for it's removal and disposal.  A crew and vehicle which are assigned to remove illegally dumped green waste are most likely to be assigned to clean up other locations and other waste types on the same run.  As the wastes are not kept separately it is not possible to quantify or cost them separately.

Q2/1123 Item ID:80952

Proposed by Councillor C. O'Connor

"To ask the CEO for an update on plans for the Wetlands on Tree Park Road Kilnamanagh and will he make a statement?"


 As part of the Dublin Urban River Life Project, five potential sites within the South Dublin area were identified for the construction of Integrated Constructed Wetlands (ICW).  The identification of suitable locations was based on desk top surveys with final approval being subject to further site investigations.  One of the potential sites included an areas grass land adjacent to Treepark Road Kilnamanagh.  Unfortunately, following further site investigations, the site has been deemed unsuitable due to existing underground services and the existing river level being higher than the proposed design level of the ICW. 

Other measures, including identifying and resolving domestic misconnections, will be carried to improve the quality of stormwater prior to its discharge to the river. 

H2/1123 Item ID:80690

Proposed by Environment

New Works (No Business)

C1/1123 Item ID:80675

Proposed by Environment

Correspondence (No Business)

M1/1123 Item ID:80594

Proposed by Councillor T. Costello                                                                         Seconded by Cllr M. Duff

"Many months ago, the electric box that had Paddy Drac's image was accidentally painted over, can I request that the image be repainted, he was a very much loved and devoted member of the Tallaght community and the removal of his image has caused much distress?"


As soon as we were made aware of the error in the box being painted over, we contacted the Director of Dublin Canvas, David Murtagh. He contacted the artist who originally painted the piece, with the hope of getting it repainted. Unfortunately, the artist would only agree to repaint the box if he was paid a significantly larger fee. David Murtagh decided that he couldn’t meet this request as it would be unfair to the other artists if one was paid a higher fee than others.

Before the roll out of Dublin Canvas Art Project 2024, we have arranged to discuss the matter further with Dublin Canvas, to see what possible solutions there are on how to re-establish Paddy Drac artwork. 

There were contributions from Cllr T. Costello, Cllr C. King, Cllr M. Duff and Cllr C. O’Connor

Fionnghuala Ryan, Climate Change & Environmental Awareness Officer, agreed that the box will be available to paint in 2024 and they will be asking for a Paddy Drac type character.

The Motion was AGREED

Water  Drainage

H3/1123 Item ID:80697

Proposed by Water  Drainage

New Works (No Business)

C2/1123 Item ID:80685

Proposed by Water  Drainage

Correspondence (No Business)

Public Realm

H4/1123 Item ID:81151

Proposed by Housing Administration

Tree Planting Programme 2023/24

Tree Planting Programme 2023/'24


The attached programme gives details of trees to be planted under the 2023/'24 winter tree planting programme for the Tallaght area. 

The Council's Public Realm Section also intends commencing a programme to plant mini-woodlands around the county and proposes to select three locations from parks in the Tallaght area for such planting schemes, the locations will be notified to the elected members once the selection process has been completed. The Council has mapped the entire Green Infrastructure of the county, this is a key objective of the Green Infrastructure Strategy and County Development Plan. The mapping exercise has identified areas where green infrastructure is fragmented and in need of further connectivity. Through this extensive exercise, the Council has identified locations where mini woodlands could be planted to link existing green infrastructure together. Mini Woodlands are small, dense, rapid-growing plantations of entirely native species in an urban setting. They assist wildlife in moving from one area to another, encouraging genetic diversity as well as providing a natural refuge in urban areas. Using native species mini woodlands are designed to mimic a natural habitat with a canopy tree layer, a sub tree layer, a shrub layer, and a ground layer. To date, the Council has planted three mini-woodlands in Greenhills Park, Mill Lane in Palmerstown and Sean Walsh Park. Ground preparation for an additional site has taken place in Dodder Valley Park and planting is expected to be completed there by Spring 2024.  

Leo Magee, Senior Engineer, gave a presentation on the Tree Planting Programme 2023/24.

There were contributions from Cllr C. King, Cllr C. O’Connor and Cllr L. Dunne

Following contributions from the councillors, Leo Magee, Senior Engineer, agreed to look again at the plans for Tallaght South.

The Report was NOTED

Q3/1123 Item ID:80776

Proposed by Councillor M. Duff

"Can the Manager make a report to this Area Committee as to when the Litter Bins will be reinstalled in Castletymon Shopping Centre, following the Enhancement Project?"


All litter bins which were removed as part of the Castletymon District Centre Enhancement Scheme have now been reinstated to their original locations. Two additional bins have been ordered and these will be delivered in the coming weeks. The additional bins will be placed to the front of the Shopping Centre.

H5/1123 Item ID:80695

Proposed by Public Realm

New Works (No Business)

C3/1123 Item ID:80683

Proposed by Public Realm

Correspondence(No Business)

M2/1123 Item ID:80570

Proposed by Councillor T. Costello                                                          Seconded by Cllr M. Duff

"To ask the manager to consider carrying out an upgrade project for the green area surrounding Scoil Santain, the green area has the potential to be a wonderful amenity not only to the children attending the school but also the surrounding community. Each of the entrances to this green area are overgrown and not inviting, facing onto the Seskin View Road behind the railings is an area of beautiful trees that are suffocated by a huge amount of vegetation which restricts access to the tree area (which would make a lovely fairy forest) and provides cover for illegal dumping. On a walk around this area i noticed dumped mattress, evidence of a fire, lots of illegal dumping and litter?"



Staff from the Council's Public Realm Section have recently met the principal of Scoil Santain to discuss current maintenance arrangements as well as the potential for improvements to the green space around the school. The Council have listed the landscape improvements near the entrance to Scoil Santain on the draft 2024 Public realm Improvement Works Programme which will be presented to the area committee in January. The proposed improvements include tree planting, levelling and grading of the existing soil, topsoiling, seeding and trimming back undesirable vegetation at the entrances. In recent weeks the Public Realm Section has cut back the vegetation and painted the palisade fence as requested by the school and have removed litter from the green space.

There were contributions from Cllr. T. Costello and Cllr C. O’Connor

Leo Magee, Senior Engineer, agreed that the Council will include an item re Scoil Santain in the January 2024 works programme.

The Motion was AGREED

M3/1123 Item ID:80788

Proposed by Councillor M. Duff                                                              Seconded by Cllr C. O’Connor

"That this Area Committee acknowledges and commends the members of the Public Realm senior management team and staff of local depots, who put such a great effort into collecting stockpiles of bonfire materials and who readily responded to phone calls and emails over the Bank Holiday weekend, from residents and elected Members?"


The following is a summary of information currently available relating to the clean up of bonfire materials before and after Halloween 2023.

The collection of bonfire materials commenced in September and as in other years the majority of material stockpiles which were intercepted were removed by Public Realm staff in the two week period prior to Halloween itself.  There were 213 bonfires recorded this year which is up slightly from the 184 bonfires recorded in 2022, the number is still largely in keeping with the reduction in the numbers which occurred from previous years where 280 were recorded in 2020 and over 300 were recorded in some recent years. 

While the number of bonfires is up the tonnage of materials recorded to date as collected is down on 2022.  The tonnage of material collected by the Council in the 2 weeks prior to Halloween was 198 tonnes (283 tonnes were collected in 2022) and the tonnage collected afterwards is currently at 290 tonnes however not all bonfire sites have been cleaned as yet due to the extremely wet periods of weather in both October and November.  The tonnage of material collected after Halloween 2022 was 296 tonnes. Total tonnage collected to date stands at 488 tonnes with not all sites cleared as yet, the total in 2022 was 579 tonnes. 

It is not possible to provide information on costs as yet as all costs have not yet been accounted for due to the fact that some sites have not yet been cleaned.  It should also be noted that reinstatement of bonfire sites where this is needed will not take place until spring 2024 as ground conditions are currently extremely wet and not able to take traffic. 

Motion was taken together with Motion 4

M4/1123 Item ID:80953

Proposed by Councillor C. O'Connor                                                      Seconded by Cllr M. Duff

"That this Tallaght Area Committee calls for a full report on the Council's response to the recent Halloween activities in Tallaght and in reporting will he state if there is any action open to the Council in respect of businesses, particularly in Broomhill and Cookstown Industrial Estate, who made pallets, tyres and other materials available for bonfires and will he make a statement for discussion?"


Waste Enforcement & Licensing Section are unaware of any businesses making materials available for bonfires. In advance of Halloween, waste enforcement officers visited all businesses in Broomhill Industrial Estate that had a use of pallets and informed them of their obligations in relation to the holding of wastes on their premises. However, if any information can be made available with regard to businesses actively providing material for bonfires, the matter will be investigated.

The collection of bonfire materials commenced in September and as in other years the majority of material stockpiles which were intercepted were removed by Public Realm staff in the two week period prior to Halloween itself.  There were 213 bonfires recorded this year which is up slightly from the 184 bonfires recorded in 2022, the number is still largely in keeping with the reduction in the numbers which occurred from previous years where 280 were recorded in 2020 and over 300 were recorded in some recent years. 

While the number of bonfires is up the tonnage of materials recorded to date as collected is down on 2022.  The tonnage of material collected by the Council in the 2 weeks prior to Halloween was 198 tonnes (283 tonnes were collected in 2022) and the tonnage collected afterwards is currently at 290 tonnes however not all bonfire sites have been cleaned as yet due to the extremely wet periods of weather in both October and November.  The tonnage of material collected after Halloween 2022 was 296 tonnes. Total tonnage collected to date stands at 488 tonnes with not all sites cleared as yet, the total in 2022 was 579 tonnes. 

It is not possible to provide information on costs as yet as all costs have not yet been accounted for due to the fact that some sites have not yet been cleaned.  It should also be noted that reinstatement of bonfire sites where this is needed will not take place until spring 2024 as ground conditions are currently extremely wet and not able to take traffic. 

There were contributions from Cllr M. Duff, Cllr C O’Connor, Cllr C. King, Cllr P. Holohan and Cllr L. Dunne.

Following contributions from the councillors Leo Magee, Senior Engineer, agreed that there were still some sites that need to be cleared due to ground conditions and that the Council will hopefully get the sites cleared in the next couple of weeks.  Michael Heffernan, Senior Executive Engineer, agreed to carry out investigations into businesses providing material for bonfires, if the councillors get in touch with specific information.

The Motion was AGREED


Q4/1123 Item ID:80975

Proposed by Councillor T. Costello

"To ask the manager How many incidences has there been in the Tallaght Area of tenants surrendering their tenancy on multiple occasions in the past 5 years?"


There have been 566 surrenders of tenancies between 2019 to date from both the Tallaght Central and Tallaght South Area. 

South Dublin County Council has no record of more than one tenancy surrender in the past 5 years. 

Q5/1123 Item ID:80954

Proposed by Councillor C. O'Connor

"To ask the CEO to report on the Age Friendly developments at Fernwood Green and Maplewood Heights in Springfield; will he note the concerns with regard to the delays in respect of occupying the units and will he make a statement?"


The official launch of Maplewood Heights and Fernwood Green is taking place on Friday 15th December. 

Clúid have started tenanting at Maplewood Heights, confirming that some tenants have already received their keys. Fernwood Green is due to be completed by the end of November with the commencement of allocations from December 2023 onwards. 

Q6/1123 Item ID:80955

Proposed by Councillor C. O'Connor

"To ask the CEO to present an update on Relets and in reporting will he list the number of such properties in Tallaght estates and detail the actions being taken and will he make a statement?"


The following is the current status of the vacant properties within our Council housing stock.

Electoral Area

To Survey

In Progress


















Tallaght South (N)





Tallaght South (S)





Tallaght Central




















Of the 34 properties were works are in progress, 29 are expected to be complete in the coming 4 weeks with the remaining 5 properties to be completed in the next 8 weeks. A total of 178 properties with an average turnaround time from vacant to relet for year to date, is 26.6 weeks.

Is should be noted that the turnaround time for October was 22.8 weeks.

Q7/1123 Item ID:80573

Proposed by Councillor D. Richardson

"Can the Manager report on turnaround in Tallaght of vacant council properties?"


The following is the current status of the vacant properties within Tallaght Council housing stock.

Electoral Area

To Survey

In Progress



Tallaght South (N)





Tallaght South (S)





Tallaght Central










Of the 21 properties in Tallaght where works are in progress, 20 are expected to be complete in the coming 4 weeks with the remaining property to be completed in the next 8 weeks.

H6/1123 Item ID:80691

Proposed by Housing

New Works (No Business)

C4/1123 Item ID:80679

Proposed by Housing

Correspondence (No Business)


H7/1123 Item ID:80687

Proposed by Community

New Works (No Business)

C5/1123 Item ID:80676

Proposed by Community

Correspondence (No Business)


H8/1123 Item ID:81156

Proposed by Housing Administration

“Proposed initiation of Procedure to Extinguish the Public Right of Way over Laneway at rear of 3,5,1B & 1A Tymonville Court, Tallaght, Dublin 24 (RT-4-364)”

H-I 8 Map


LUPT advises this committee of intention to initiate the procedure to extinguish the Public Right of Way over laneway at rear of 3,5,1B & 1A Tymonville Court, Tallaght, for which an application has been made.

The proposed Extinguishment area is highlighted in red on Drawing Number RE-5011.

In order to officially Extinguish the Public Right of Way at this location, the Council must agree to the proposal post public consultation, and presentation of the Chief Executive’s Report on Submissions and Observations received during the consultation period.

Note: The Extinguishment will be affected by means of a disposal, managed by EETD Dept.

Mary Maguire, Senior Executive Officer, gave the report on the proposed initiation of Procedure to Extinguish the Public Right of Way over Laneway at rear of 3,5,1B & 1A Tymonville Court, Tallaght, Dublin 24

Cllr M.Duff proposed. Cllr C. O’Connor seconded and the proposal was AGREED.

Q8/1123 Item ID:80971

Proposed by Councillor T. Costello

"Within Tallaght there are various area where public lighting has not been working the response received for delay in repairs is difficulty getting parts, can I ask how many lights are facing delays to repairs due to this issue and when will it be resolved?"


 There are currently in excess of 500 lights facing repairs. The replacement lamps for these types of fitting are obsolete. We are relying on the harvesting of old/used lamps from our LED Upgrade Programme. However, progress on this rollout has been delayed by ESBN, who are citing a lack of resources to make the required attendance on site for this work. 

We are currently in discussion with ESBN to try and resolve this issue. 

Q9/1123 Item ID:80777

Proposed by Councillor M. Duff

"Can the Manager advise this Area Committee if the Pedestrian Crossing, originally located on the Castletymon Road from St Joseph’s School to Castletymon Shopping Centre, will be replaced in its original position, as it was removed during the Castletymon Enhancement Project?"


The pedestrian crossing between St. Joseph’s School and Castletymon has been upgraded to a raised controlled crossing as part of the Castletymon District Centre Enhancement Scheme. The signal poles for the crossing were installed in recent days and the crossing will be operational following the completion of ESB connection works.

Q10/1123 Item ID:80936

Proposed by Councillor M. Duff

"Could the Manager please give an update as to when the estates of Balrothery/ Castle Park/Lawns St Aongus Tymon North and Tymonville will have the Public Lighting upgraded to LED?"


We are progressing with Phase 1 of this programme in liaison with ESBN under the terms of our Supplemental Agreement with them. Phase 1 is the list of upgrades originally submitted to the ACs in June 2022. Unfortunately, the estates listed above do not form part of this phase. 

 However, we will add them to our list for Phase 2, which will commence next year when Phase 1 has been completed.

Q11/1123 Item ID:80950

Proposed by Councillor C. O'Connor

"To ask the CEO to refer to the Active Travel works on Maplewood Road Tallaght and make contact with St Marks Church, St Marks Schools and the local school warden to discuss their views and deal with concerns they may have; will he give assurances and make a statement?"


 Contact has been made with the Priest and the school warden and concerns from the school regarding the parking of the school bus have been investigated. The details of the scheme were clarified with the school warden and she was happy with works as they would make her job a lot safer. The parking of cars will be taken away from the crossing point by the installation of bollards and the crossing point where the school warden will be formalised by the installation of a zebra crossing.

The Priest was met on site by SDCC and the Contractor and it was agreed to increase the number of demountable bollards in front of the church from 4 to 7 so that more parking in front of the church during important ceremonies like funerals and weddings can be facilitated.

The request for parking of a school bus in the car free zone being created was investigated and it was concluded that it will be unsafe for all road users, especially pupils and parents / guardians. The objective of the scheme is to create a traffic calmed street in the vicinity of the school free of parked vehicles to encourage kids to walk and cycle to school. Allowing the school bus to park in this zone will defeat the whole objective of the scheme. The school will be engaged to try and locate a suitable location further away from the school for the bus to park. The kids can be dropped and can walk to the school safely.      

Q12/1123 Item ID:80951

Proposed by Councillor C. O'Connor

"That this Tallaght Area Committee calls for an update on works on the Cycle Lane on Firhouse Road West and in responding to the Question will he confirm if he has received any contact from Eamonn Ryan TD Minister for Transport, following a request made in that regard during a recent Dail topical issues debate and will he make a statement?"


The works on Firhouse Road West are progressing well. It is anticipated that by the end of November all that will remain between the roundabout at Whitestown Way and junction of Old Bawn Rd is the junction of Dalepark Rd and Firhouse Road West. The reason for the delay in the works at the Dalepark Road junction is to allow incorporation of design suggestions following feedback from the local residents.

There has been no direct contact from Eamonn Ryan TD Minister for Transport recently in relation to the scheme.

It should be noted that, as the D24 Network scheme is a Department of Transport (DoT) sponsored National Pathfinder project, that SDCC provides regular reports to both the NTA and the DoT in relation to progress on the scheme.

H9/1123 Item ID:80696

Proposed by Transportation

New Works (No Business)

C6/1123 Item ID:80684

Proposed by Transportation

Correspondence (No Business)

M5/1123 Item ID:80907

Proposed by Councillor L. Dunne                                                           Seconded by Cllr P. Holohan

"This Area Committee calls on the Manager to fix all the street lights on Brookview Drive, additionally to install locks on the electrical panels on these street lights so that they can no longer be tampered with?"


In November 2022 our maintenance contractor attempted to repair three outages on Brookview Drive – poles 5, 6 and 7.  The outages were clearly the result of vandalism.

Upon arrival on site, the crew were assaulted with rocks by individuals who obviously did not want the lights to be repaired. Our crew were forced to leave the area with the lights remaining out of order.

In liaison with the Housing Dept., we were able to request and receive Garda protection from Tallaght Garda Station in order to repair the lights in question.

The lighting at this location had been upgraded to LED prior to this incident. LED light fittings are very difficult to damage, due to the modular nature of their design. The fittings themselves were consciously targeted by these individuals. However, at no time were the column doors tampered with.

Our crew attended Brookview Estate again a month ago to repair P7 Brookview Green and P7 Brookview Park, which had been burnt out and had damaged the supply to other poles in the immediate area. They also attempted to repair P11 Brookview Avenue but were again threatened, at which point they were forced to leave.

On this occasion, poles 1,5,6 and 7 are logged as out of order. These lights were recently upgraded to an even more robust LED fitting in order to try and maintain the public lighting in the area. Again, these fittings have now been vandalised.

The target for damage is the light fitting itself. On occasion, the pole is set on fire. The doors are not being tampered with and so we do not propose to upgrade the columns.

The issue for the Public Lighting Section here is the safety of our crew and our own council personnel. In addition, considerable resources have previously been deployed by us here in order to make the area as safe as possible, to little effect. 

We would welcome a discussion with Local Representatives to try to identify a long term solution to the current issue.

There were contributions from Cllr. L. Dunne, Cllr M. Duff, Cllr P. Holohan, Cllr K. Mahon, Cllr C. King and Cllr C. O’Connor

Following the contributions from the Councillors, Gary Walsh, Senior Engineer, agreed that the Council are eager to get the lights fixed but a longer term solution for the safety of the staff will need to be discussed.

The Motion was AGREED

M6/1123 Item ID:80909

Proposed by Councillor L. Dunne                                                            Seconded by Cllr M. Duff

"This Area Committee calls on the Manager to install ramps/traffic calming measures in Sheehy Skeffington Meadows?"


I have gone out to the location and there is a road section between houses 62 and 64 which has no ramp for quite a distance. This location is near the Outer Ring road side of the estate.

SDCC will do a speed survey to measure speeds throughout the estate.  It is most likely going to show no excessive speeds where there are existing ramps installed. Where there are no ramps near houses 62 to 64 we will examine the best place to install a ramp.  It is important that we get the full agreement from the nearest affected residents to install the additional ramp or ramps. I attach an outlined sketch of the road with no ramps.

Road Section with no ramps

There were contributions from Cllr L. Dunne and Cllr C. O’Connor

Following contributions from the councillors, John Hegarty, Senior Engineer, agreed to provide traffic calming measures, and if locations can be agreed ramps will be installed, early 2024.

The Motion was AGREED


C7/1123 Item ID:80682

Proposed by Planning

Correspondence (No Business)

H10/1123 Item ID:80694

Proposed by Planning

New Works (No Business)

Economic Development

Q13/1123 Item ID:80948

Proposed by Councillor C. O'Connor

"To ask the CEO to confirm the schedule now being followed in respect of the development of the Tallaght Innovation Quarter and will he also detail the services to be provided and make a statement?"


The innovation quarter is under construction on three separate contracts. 

Q14/1123 Item ID:80949

Proposed by Councillor C. O'Connor

"To ask the CEO to detail contacts he is maintaining to improve the image of Cookstown Industrial Estate, Tallaght, and will he make a statement?"


The Tallaght Local Area Plan was adopted in 2020 and is valid till 2026. The aim of the LAP is to create ‘an inclusive and vibrant Town Centre, a connected and accessible place with an attractive built environment for families of all kinds, workers, visitors and tourists.’ To achieve this the LAP sets a number of goals and objectives to ensure the delivery of ‘a new high quality, urban residential environment of varied tenure, which is cognisant of the existing community and provides an inclusive and self-supporting town centre for all demographics.’ This includes but is not limited to:

Delivery of between 3,000 and 5,000 new homes.

Delivery of a mix of new employment spaces.

Development of Tallaght Stadium’s Fourth Stand.

Redevelopment, enhancement of the Square Shopping Centre.

Provision of cycling and pedestrian infrastructure links.

Provision of new schools.

Improvements to the street network including extensions to Airton Road and Cookstown Road.

Enhancement of existing green spaces.

Creation of a network of public open spaces.

Development of new transport interchange at the Square.

Enhanced bus services across the centre.

District heating system (HeatNet)

To aid this SDCC have sought funding from Central Government via Urban Regeneration Development Funding. This is targeted at the delivery of the above list of key items to transform Tallaght. These projects include, some of which are nearing completion, the following:

Belgard Road North Link Road

Tallaght Stadium 4th Stand

Innovation Hub

Mobility Hub

Belgard Plaza- New Civic Square for Tallaght Town Centre

Chamber Square- Ped Link

Sean Walsh Astro Pitch

The total value of the URDF is circa €32m and will aid the transformation of Tallaght, as well as delivery on the objectives outlined above.

The delivery of these objectives also has a knock on influence on the Cookstown industrial estate, which forms part of the LAP. Cookstown and its development principles are set out in Chapter 3.3 of the LAP. Once completed, the area will become ‘an attractive mixed-use residential and employment led neighbourhood with distinctive urban qualities and high levels of access to public transport and the urban centre, which will support existing businesses and additionally support the expansion of further small to medium size businesses and will continue to provide support for higher intensity employment’. At present several of the URDF projects such as the Innovation Hub, Belgard Plaza and Belgard Road North Link Road/Airton Road Extension all directly impact and aid the delivery and development of the Cookstown sub development area of the LAP.

Additionally, SDCC active travel have begun early design exercises with appointed consultants to review and implement new active travel measures within the Cookstown Industrial Estate, and the wider Tallaght LAP area. This, in addition to the success of the LUAS, which surrounds the development area of Cookstown will aid the development of the area in line with the LAP objectives. At present there are a number sites within the Cookstown Industrial Estate which have progressed through planned and are either due to commence, under construction or nearing completion. This will provide for additional residential uses in the area, which will further support the objectives of the LAP as the area changes in an incremental manner.

There is continued monitoring of the in terms of planning permissions, delivery objectives related to infrastructure set out in the LAP and additional approaches to implementation in the coming years.

C8/1123 Item ID:80678

Proposed by Economic Development

Correspondence (No Business)

H11/1123 Item ID:80689

Proposed by Economic Development

New Works (No Business)

Libraries  Arts

H12/1123 Item ID:80674

Proposed by Libraries  Arts

Application for Arts Grants

H13/1123 Item ID:80686

Proposed by Libraries  Arts

Library News & Events

Libraries Events Stats
Libraries Report

Liz Corry, Senior Executive Librarian, gave the presentation on Library News and Events.

There were contributions from Cllr C. O’Connor, Cllr M. Duff and Cllr L. Dunne

The report was NOTED

H14/1123 Item ID:80692

Proposed by Libraries  Arts

NEW WORKS (No Business)

C9/1123 Item ID:80680

Proposed by Libraries  Arts

Correspondence (No Business)

Corporate Support

H15/1123 Item ID:80688

Proposed by Corporate Support

New Works (No Business)

C10/1123 Item ID:80677

Proposed by Corporate Support

Correspondence (For noting)

Correspondence received from Dept of Justice
Correspondence to RSA

The correspondence was NOTED

M7/1123 Item ID:80956

Proposed by Councillor C. O'Connor                                                      Seconded by Cllr M. Duff

"That this Tallaght Area Committee congratulates Shamrock Rovers Football Club on achieving the 4 in a row Airtricity League success?"


 If the motion is agreed, a letter will be issued to Shamrock Rovers Football Club congratulating them on achieving the 4 in a row Airtricity League success.

There were contributions from Cllr C. O’Connor and Cllr L. Dunne

The Motion was AGREED

Performance  Change Management

H16/1123 Item ID:80693

Proposed by Performance  Change Management

New Works (No Business)

C11/1123 Item ID:80681

Proposed by Performance  Change Management

Correspondence (No Business)

There was no other business and the meeting concluded at 4.24 p.m.