South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, January 15, 2024


MOTION: Councillor E. Ó Broin

This council agrees that in line with Regional Policy Objectives and 2022-2028 SDCC County Development Plan, opportunities for widening of footpaths in urban cores presented by planning permission applications for lands bordering existing narrow footpaths in same urban cores will not be lost.


Chapter 7 of the County Development Plan sets out the vision, policies and objectives for Sustainable Movement.  A key element of sustainable transport is to encourage modal shift through an increase in the number of people walking and cycling and using public transport. This is supported by policy aimed towards the achievement of a more attractive public realm and safer streets.

The introduction to chapter 7 states:

In existing areas, measures to promote active modes and public transport include improving pedestrian facilities by implementing measures such as widening footpaths and enhancing surfaces, removing obstacles such as walls and railings in order to create better permeability, and providing a network of safer cycle lanes.

Similarly, Chapter 8 of the Development Plan provides strong policy support for active travel to and around schools, where walking and cycling to school will be given priority by providing safe cycle ways, footpaths and improved permeability.

Chapter 12 Implementation and Monitoring outlines the requirement for public realm proposals to ensure a layout that allows the use of sustainable forms of transport such as walking, cycling and public transport, ‘with clearly defined footpaths and cycleways linking all buildings and public areas’.

The County Development Plan supports improved footpath and cycle infrastructure as a key measure to deliver a healthy and active society and to support the compact city concept and climate action targets.  Planning applications are assessed against the policy and objectives contained in the County Development Plan. Similarly, the delivery of the Council’s maintenance programmes takes account of the objectives set out in the Development Plan. Footpath widening and improvements will be secured where it aligns with policy and is achievable. 

There are instances where two existing policies and objectives do not always neatly align and in these instances the planning team will need to consider each location and planning application on a case by case basis and to determine which policy and objective to give more planning weight to.