South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, December 11, 2023


QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor

To ask the CEO to confirm actions he is taking in respect of the Climate Change crisis and will he detail how he is getting his message across to the public and make a statement?


In 2023 SDCC continued progressing the implementation of the Climate Change Action Plan 2019 -2024 and the delivery of the 154 actions identified under the six Action Areas of: Energy and Buildings, Transport, Flood Resilience, Nature-based Solutions, Resource Management and Citizen Engagement.

Significant achievements have been made over the life of the CCAP. These include:

 A full update on each of these actions is included in the CCAP Annual Report 2023. Climate Change Plan Annual Report 2023.pdf

 In February 2023 work commenced on a new Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 as it is a statutory requirement for local authorities under the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amended) Act 2021. The plan is ambitious in its targets and in considering actions where the local authority can influence, co-ordinate/facilitate and advocate for climate action in wider society. The draft CAP was published on 29th September and the consultation process ran until 3rd November 2023. Several in-person information events were held in Tallaght, Clondalkin, Lucan and the Mansion House to provide members of the public with the opportunity to talk with SDCC staff about the Plan. In addition to this the Climate Action Team attended a series of pop-up information stands in libraries across the county.

The Climate Action Team keeps members of the public up-to-date on our work through, our dedicated climate action website. The site showcases the climate action that the Council are undertaking in the county, with updates on our climate actions, spotlights on our key responses to the climate crisis, and a latest news section on local, regional and national climate change responses. We also want to inspire climate action. As such, the website is also a place for citizens to find out what they can do.

Climate Newsletter: Citizen engagement via the website is complemented by a quarterly citizens climate newsletter, which details current Council climate action on a specific, rotating thematic area. The Climate Team works with the Communications Unit to promote our website news articles and newsletters via our social channels.

By the end of 2023 various teams across the Council will have delivered approximately 140 climate/environmental engagement events to citizens of all ages across South Dublin.

Through the Community Climate Action Fund, SDCC will work with local, not-for-profit community groups/organisations in South Dublin to deliver local  Climate Action Projects. Over €1 million is being made available to deliver these projects in South Dublin.