Tuesday, November 28, 2023
MOTION: Councillor S. Moynihan
To ask the Chief Executive to erect a plaque in Lucan Village to honour James Gandon, renowned architect, given the 200th anniversary of his death in Canonbrook on 24 December this year.
Section 5 of the The Naming of Infrastructure Policy agreed by the Council provides as follow in relation to the provision of Plaques and Memorials:
The provision of plaques and memorials can support heritage and cultural awareness in addition to promoting tourist sites and locations. The council receives many request for recognition of historic figures and events by way of plaque on their residence or at a location of significance so there is validity to inclusion of this category of commemoration in the policy. The following guidelines would apply:-
5.1 Wording on commemorative plaques, memorials or statues should be kept to a minimum. The use of Irish and English is desirable and proposers should be aware of the need to comply with the requirements of the Official Languages Act 2003 at all times
5.2 Normally an individual or event can only be commemorated with one plaque or monument within the County.
5.3 In general only one commemorative plaque should be erected on any building/structure.
5.4 The design should be consistent with County Branding templates and construction should require little maintenance and should be resistant to vandalism.
5.5 All proposals to erect monuments, memorials or plaques will have to comply with planning regulations. Due to the general nature and size of monuments or statues proposals for these may require planning permission, this facilitates public engagement and submissions.
5.6 Early advice should be sought on the erection of a plaque, memorial or monument on, or within the curtilage of, a Protected Structure, ACA, Conservation area, Heritage or Biodiversity site (including Special Areas of Conservation and proposed Natural Heritage Areas), as planning permission may be needed in order to proceed.
5.7 The erection of a plaque, memorial or monument on, or in the vicinity of, a Recorded Monument will require 2 months prior notification to the National Monuments Service of the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs or in the case of a National Monument ministerial consent will be required from the Minister of Arts, Heritage Regional Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. There are official forms that must be submitted in relation to notification or consent which are available from the National Monuments Service (
5.8 Requests for memorials and plaques from family members in cases of tragic deaths will not come under this policy, such requests will be dealt with on a case by case basis by the relevant Department of the Council.
The types of Commemorative Memorials that should be considered to mark significant historical events, anniversaries or people are as follows:
Plaques – A flat tablet of metal, stone or other material which includes text or images and is fixed to a wall or other surface.
Plaques are generally erected to commemorate the residence or a location associated with an important individual or the site of a significant event.
Monuments or Statues – A three-dimensional structure or object of architectural or sculptural design erected in memory of a person, association, anniversary or event. The size, composition, and positioning of the plaque, monument or statue should be appropriate to, and reflective of, the event or person being commemorated and to the location proposed.
Based on the policy the Naming of Infrastructure Committee (NIC) set the following criteria which must be met when considering requests:
While the motion asks for the Chief Executive to erect a plaque in Lucan Village to honour James Gandon, renowned architect, given the 200th anniversary of his death in Canonbrook on 24th December 2023, further details will be required as outlined above, before the proposal is brought to the NIC for further consideration.