South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, November 30, 2023


OPR Programme of Review - SDCC  


The Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR) was established in April 2019 on foot of recommendations made by the Tribunal of Inquiry into Certain Planning Matters and Payments (the Mahon Tribunal).

The role of the OPR is to ensure that local authorities and An Bord Pleanála support and implement Government planning policy, and under Chapter IV of Part IIB of the Planning & Development Act 2000, as amended, (‘the Act’),‘Review of Planning Functions’,  one of the OPR’s key statutory functions is to conduct reviews of the systems and procedures used by local authorities to deliver their planning functions.

In this regard, under the provisions of section 31AS of the Act, the OPR is implementing a programme of reviews from which it is envisaged, each Planning Authority will benefit from having the OPR look at how it delivers its planning services.

The OPR Reviews are conducted in line with a methodology which was developed in consultation with the local authority sector. The programme is designed as a developmental resource for the local authority planning sector, with recommendations arising from the process designed to enhance the delivery of services for the public.

The process follows the broad structure set out below:

1. Formal correspondence to Chief Executive requesting information in the form of a checklist / questionnaire with regard to SDCC and the systems and procedures used in relation to planning functions. 

2. Subsequent to a statutory request from the OPR, the local authority prepares and submits information on the planning department’s practices and procedures.

3. The OPR visits the local authority over two / three days to meet with planning department staff and teams in a workshop setting.

4. The OPR analyses all the information gathered and prepares a draft review report.

5. The draft review report is circulated to the local authority and the Minister for Housing, Local Government & Heritage for comments.

6. Any comments received are considered and the review report is finalised and published.

7. The implementation of recommendations from the review process are monitored, with reports submitted on a six-monthly basis.

The review of SDCC systems and procedures is currently taking place over two days - 29th & 30th November 2023.