Monday, November 13, 2023
QUESTION: Councillor L.Guéret
Does the Chief Executive have plans to provide a printed booklet or some other method of outlining the local services provided by SDCC and Community Centres and the activities that are provided in them, for those people who do not have online access.
Both the Corporate Plan 2020 - 2024 and the annual Service Delivery Plans set out the Council's Principal Services as required under the Local Government Act 2001 (as amended). A visual summary of the service delivery plan is issued each year to every household in the County, and this is fulfilling a commitment made in the Corporate Plan. This statement of the Council's principal services is provided, for information, below.
At a more detailed level, the local government sector has identified approximately 1,100 services that are delivered by the local authorities. These have been catalogued and are publicly accessible through the Local Government National Services catalogue. Not all local authorities will deliver all of the services listed, for example SDCC does not have any beaches for which there are three related services listed. But SDCC would deliver additional services that are not included in the national services catalogue but are specific to addressing the needs of South Dublin County.
The catalogue demonstrates the very extensive and all-encompassing range of services that are delivered by local authorities nationally and which because of the volume, can only be captured via online tools. Under the Council’s Customer and Digital Services Transformation strategy, SDCC is currently mapping this catalogue onto its A to Z of online services on the Council website and will use this as the key mechanism through which digital services are developed and made accessible online to local communities, residents, visitors and businesses and thus working to achieve the Better Public Services Transformation target of delivering 90% of applicable public services online by 2030.
In relation to Community Centres and the activities that are provided in them, there are a wide range and number of events held across our 33 community centres which are primarily organised locally by each centre. Each centre is responsible for promoting their events and do this across a range of information mediums. The Community Services department are not in a position to collate this information in hard copy as most of the events are organised locally and programmes change seasonally. The Community Department advertise any events in centres which they directly organise via digital and non digital formats.
The Council's Principal Services (as presented in the Corporate Plan 2020-2024 and the 2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023 Service Delivery Plans:
1. Economic, enterprise and tourism development
2. Land use, planning and transportation
3. Housing, social and community development
4. Environment, water and climate change
5. Organisational capacity and accountability