Tuesday, October 24, 2023
QUESTION: Councillor L. O'Toole
This committee requests the CE to list out what's permitted/not permitted within the zoning in District centre Adamstown. It's been reported to me that there may be a 'Vape' shop looking to acquire one of the units, and this would not be welcomed by the community, given its close proximity to the local schools. Add Document(s)
The area of Adamstown was designated a Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) by the Government given it’s strategic importance as a land bank to the State. Subsequently South Dublin County Council adopted a Planning Scheme, which has been amended a number of times since the inception of the SDZ. The Planning Scheme outlines the development areas and means for the area to develop sustainably in line with phasing requirements. The Planning Scheme does not outline any zoning requirements per se, however does outline the uses permitted in specific areas and throughout the SDZ as a whole.
The District Centre is located in Development Area 11, Adamstown Station. This area allows for up to 29,950sqm of non-residential floorspace to be provided within that development area. There are a number of uses ‘permitted in principle’ within that area in the Planning Scheme, in addition to uses which are ‘open for consideration’, as well as those which are ‘not permitted’. Any proposed use that is not an exempted use in the Planning Regulations, regardless of which subset of uses it falls in requires assessment via a planning application to ensure the use is compatible with the surrounding area and context.
With regard uses permitted, the following are ‘permitted in principle’ as per table 2.1 of the Planning Scheme:
Advertisements & Advertising structures, Bed and breakfast, Betting office, Car park, Church/ Place of Worship, Community facility, Childcare Facilities, Cultural use, Dancehall/nightclub, Doctor/Dentist etc.., Education, Enterprise centre, Funeral home, Guest house, Health centre, Hospital, Home-based economic activities, Hotel/ motel, Industry-light, Office-based industry, Offices, Open space, Petrol station, Public house, Public services, Railway Station, Recreational buildings (commercial), Recreational facility/ sports club, Residential, Residential caravan bays/Group housing, Residential institution, Restaurant/Cafe, Retirement home, Science and Technology based enterprise, Service garage, Retail service, Shop, Vet. Surgery.
With regard uses permitted, the following are ‘open for consideration’ as per table 2.1 of the Planning Scheme:
Agricultural buildings, Caravan park-holiday, Cash and carry/Wholesale outlet, Garden centre, Household fuel depot, Motor sales outlet, Refuse transfer station, Retail warehouse, Telecommunications support structures required to service Adamstown, Transport depot, Warehousing
With regard uses permitted, the following are ‘not permitted’ as per table 2.1 of the Planning Scheme
Abattoir, Aerodrome/Airfield, Boarding kennels, Cemetery, Concrete/Asphalt plant, Heavy vehicle park, Industry-Extractive, Industry-General, Industry-Special, Refuse landfill, Rural industry, Scrap yard
There are definitions for some of the listed classes of use (e.g shop) in the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended. Furthermore, the County Development Plan also lists definitions of a range of the listed classes of use.