Monday, October 09, 2023
HEADED ITEM NO. 4 (c) i)
HEADED ITEM: C. Performance and Change Management Directorate
In Attendance: Cllr. C O’Connor (Chair), Cllr. W. Carey, Cllr. K Mahon, Cllr. B. Lawlor, Cllr. L. Donaghy, Cllr. B. Lawlor, Cllr. S. Moynihan, G. Stockil (PPN) S. Harty (PPN) and B. Tyrell-Collard (ICTU).
Apologies: Cllr. J Tuffy, Brenda Pierce, SEO
Officials Present: E. Leech (A/Director of Services), F, Hendley (A/SEO), Mary Connell (A/SEO), P. Saab, (A/Administrative Officer), F. Keane (Senior Staff Officer), Damien McNulty (Senior Executive Engineer)
The Chair, Cllr. O’Connor opened the meeting at 5.30pm.
Cllr Lawlor asked to speak before the meeting commenced. He stated that due to the ongoing issues with FORSA Union, he would not be participating in the meeting in support of the Union and South Dublin County Council staff. E. Leech explained to the members in attendance that staff were not precluded by the current industrial action to assist/work at the meeting. Cllr. Lawlor left the meeting. Cllrs Carey and Mahon both stated that they also wished to record their support for staff.
Agenda Item No 1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 15 May 2023 were proposed by Cllr. O’Connor and seconded by Cllr Carey.
Agenda Item No 2. Matters Arising
G. Stockil referred to the Minutes regarding fire station response times. He requested the response times proposed by Dublin Fire Brigade be examined and noted in the minutes. E Leech stated that the matter of Fire Station response times is not under the remit of the SPC. E. Leech agreed to seek clarification from Dublin Fire Brigade on some of the queries raised.
Cllr. Mahon stated that this matter should be raised in the proper forum and that any suggestion that Cllr’s and the committee do not take this matter is incorrect.
Agenda Item No 3. Planned Maintenance / EERP
D. McNulty delivered a report on Planned Maintenance, Energy Retrofit, Windows and Doors Programme and the Mac Uilliam and Balgaddy Clean up.
Cllr Carey acknowledged the work that was conducted and raised maintenance issues in some properties. He queried the Property Condition Survey presented to the Housing Department and asked for an update. D. McNulty stated that the Surveys are scheduled for every 4 – 5 years.
Re: the Windows and Doors Programme, Cllr Carey queried if the tenants could contact the Council on a specific number to check their status on the programme.
Cllr Donaghy asked if the Property Condition Survey Programme was open ended and general information on the surveys. D. McNulty explained that the standard is for 180 items to be checked in each property.
Cllr Moynihan acknowledged the significant Windows and Doors Programme and queried what other planned maintenance programmes are scheduled and what is the plan for the backlog?
D McNulty responded that upgrade works are planned on all council properties, not just relets. Planned maintenance is the key to maintaining standard of properties, rather than just response maintenance.
The report was noted.
Agenda Item No 4. Housing Delivery Report (pre recorded)
The report was presented to the Group.
An update was given on the Housing for All Pipeline 2023 and an overview of 2023 Leasing. The Homeville site in Knocklyon has received approval to proceed.
Cllr Carey had a query on the Sallymills development and requested an update. E. Leech responded that units should be ready for allocation in October of this year. She also agreed to clarify the number of nominations (for allocations) forwarded to Cluid in relation to the development to date.
Cllr Moynihan asked about the delays in the development at St Marks. E. Leech responded that there were some issues with landscaping and utility connections but that it should be ready for allocation in Q4 of this year.
Cllr Moynihan requested an update on Old Lucan Road and Balgaddy Units. This is to be given at the next SPC meeting.
Agenda Item No 5. Allocations Report
The Allocations Report was presented by F. Hendley. There were queries and contributions from Cllr. Moynihan and Cllr. Carey regarding ‘Time on List’, ‘Exits from Homeless Accommodation’ and ‘Refusals’. Gerry Stockil queried the reason for increase in 4 bed demand.
F Hendley responded to the queries and E. Leech gave an update on Age Friendly Units.
Agenda Item No 6. Items for Noting
Tenant in Situ
There were queries from Cllr Carey and Cllr Mahon regarding the Tenant in Situ Scheme and if enough staff resources have been allocated to deal with the volume of queries. E. Leech responded and agreed to circulate contact details for the section.
Affordable Housing
Cllr Carey referenced the Affordable Housing Report and the 29 units in Kilcarbery. E. Leech responded detailing some delays with applicants not being mortgage ready. Going forward, applicants will be advised to have their mortgage approval in principle in place.
Cllr. Moynihan welcomed the Re-let Report and queried turnaround times. E. Leech responded that the re-let process involves both the re-let and allocation teams. Some properties would be deemed ‘hard to let’ and this can impact the average turnaround times of the re-let process.
Housing Disability Steering Group
The Housing Disability Steering Group report was discussed. A workshop was held on 13 September with the committee and members of the Dept. It was agreed that a copy of the Disability Report should be circulated to Cllrs. and SPC Members.
Caravan Loans
Caravan Loans Scheme was discussed. 6 caravans allocated by the DHLGH under the 2023 programme.
UDRF Call 3
URDF Funding – €6m allocated to SDCC.
Cllr Mahon queried the minimum works required to bring houses up to standard and a list of what areas are proposed. Cllr Carey expressed concerns about the limits. E Leech responded to the queries.
New Housing Customer Centre
Housing Customer Centre: E Leech invited all Cllrs and Committee members to visit the new Housing Centre.
Agenda Item No 7. Any Other Business
There was no other business and the meeting concluded at 7p.m. The next Housing SPC meeting will be held on Wednesday 22nd of November.