Thursday, September 14, 2023
HEADED ITEM: H. Administration
Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) – Round 3 Funding
€150 million has been made available nationally through Round 3 of the URDF fund to acquire long term vacant or derelict properties for onward sale or re-use. This is a targeted support under Project Ireland 2040 to support the regeneration and rejuvenation of large towns/cities. It is an additional tool to activate long term vacant and derelict buildings where there is existing services/infrastructure which may not be appropriate or suitable for social housing. South Dublin County Council has a low rate of dereliction in town centres.
Properties must be in town/village/city centre areas that have been vacant for more than 2 years and are not currently on the market for sale. The purchase must result in the residential use of the property. South Dublin County Council has received a total allocation of €6 million to fund acquisitions with €1.2 million forward funded. The expectation is that funding will be increased 3 to 4-fold in the coming years.
The Council has a delegated sanction for up to €430k per property which includes 100% funding for the purchase and up to €30k for conveyancing costs and minor works to make the property suitable for sale if required. Properties can be acquired by agreement or by Compulsory Purchase Order. The property must be offered for sale on the open market with a requirement to achieve best reasonably obtainable price. A revolving fund will be replenished from proceeds of the sale or re-use of the dwellings. All proposed disposals will require the approval of the full Council.
If a property fails to sell increased funding can be requested from the Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage for additional works to make it more attractive to buyers with additional costs recoupable at 75% from the fund. It can also be offered for potential use to sections within the Council including for use as social housing.
The Vacant Homes team are liaising with the Derelict Sites Team and other Council sections to coordinate a proposed list of properties to be targeted for acquisition which must be confirmed by the Department.
Purchasers will, subject to eligibility, be able to access for further supports such as Croí Conaithe Vacant Homes Grant, SEAI energy efficiency grants or the Repair and Leasing Scheme.