South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, September 14, 2023


HEADED ITEM: H. Administration

Minutes of the previous meeting  


Report of South Dublin County Council Housing SPC Meeting held at 5.30 p.m. on Thursday 30 May 2023 at 5.30pm (Hybrid Meeting) 

In attendance: 

Cllr. C O’Connor (Chair), Cllr. W. Carey, Cllr. K Mahon, Cllr. J Tuffy, Cllr. B. Lawlor, Cllr. L. Donaghy, Cllr. B. Lawlor, Cllr. S. Moynihan, B. Tyrell-Collard (ICTU), G. Stockil (PPN), 

Others Present - Guest Speaker:  

Greg O’Dwyer, Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Dublin City Council

Officials Present: 

  1. E. Leech (A/Director of Services), B. Pierce (Senior Executive Officer), F. Hendley (A/Senior Executive Officer), M. Connell (A/Senior Executive Officer), P. Saab, (A/Admin Officer), F. Keane (Senior Staff Officer) and M. Farrell (Clerical Officer)


There were no apologies.  


The Chairperson, Cllr. C O’Connor opened the meeting at 5.30pm 

Following the resignation of Sharon Harty PPN from the Housing SPC, Cllr. O Connor gave thanks for her valuable contributions to the committee.  He requested that a letter of thanks  be issued.  

Cllr O’Connor introduced all the new staff attending the SPC for the first time.  – E. Leech (Appointed acting Director of Service in Housing and Community Department), F. Hendley (Acting SEO),Mary Connell (Acting SEO). The Director noted that all elected members were circulated with a list of areas of responsibility for senior staff within the HSCD Directorate and that this would be circulated to the Housing SPC Members. 

Cllr. O Connor wished C. Ward in his new role as Deputy Chief executive.  

Agenda Item No 1 - Minutes of Previous Meeting 

Proposed by Cllr. Mahon and seconded by Cllr. Carey  

The minutes of the previous meeting of the committee, held on 16th February 2023, were noted, and agreed. 

Agenda Item No 2 - Matters arising. 

Cllr. Carey had requested at a previous meeting that the Allocation report would include a CBL profile. E. Leech stated that the Integrated Housing System team are continuing to work on this initiative.  

Agenda Item No 3 - Housing Delivery  

  1. Pierce delivered a report on Housing Delivery. She outlined the expected delivery times for the various projects including Homeville and Lindisfarne where delivery is now expected in 2024. 

Revised planning permission was proposed on the site on the Old Nangor Road, with an extension granted until 28th September for additional information.  

In relation to Long Term Leasing, the target was 90 units with 39 achieved to date in 2023.

There was a query from Cllr. Tuffy in relation to funding for renovation of newly acquired second hand houses to which Ms. Pierce responded to confirm that any re-let works are carried out and included in the main claim for Acquisitions .from the DHLGH.  

Cllr. Lawlor expressed his concerns about the continued delay in the delivery of houses at the Homeville site. Ms. Pierce responded to confirm the tender process is completed and Architects department are reviewing the tenders with a view to work  re-commencing on site in 2023.

Cllr. Carey enquired queried the number of houses proposed on the Alpine Heights. Ms. Pierce agreed to confirm the number of units and update the report as necessary. She also agreed to circulate a screen shot of the Old Nangor Road site for his perusal.  

Cllr. Mahon had a query on the Affordable Housing in Kilcarbery and he was informed that there is a full report available in Items for Noting on the agenda. 

The report was noted. 

Agenda Item No 4 - Rightsizing  

E. Leech delivered the presentation on Rightsizing. She referenced that that Age Friendly Officer (P. Swayne) consulted with the South Dublin Older Person’s Council on the scheme.

The presentation referenced the frequently asked questions around right sizing and the draft of the rightsizing guide was reviewed. Once this is agreed, it will go to design/print and will also be available to view on the website.  The Council are also working on a dedicated Age Friendly Housing webpage.

There were queries from Cllr Carey in relation to the criteria for those applying and from Cllr Mahon in relation to the location of the schemes.  E Leech responded that the scheme is only open to residents of South Dublin County. She also noted that in relation to Cllr Mahon’s query, the tenants will pay the Council/AHB a differential rent once a contribution from the sale of their house is paid. Current developments are strategic located with good access to public transport, hospitals, retail and community facilities. However, Ms Leech will confirm if any right sizing units are available in large scale developments such as Killinarden. 

Agenda Item No 5 - Allocations Report  

The Allocations Report was circulated and pre-recorded for the meeting.  

There were queries and contributions from Cllr. Tuffy in relation to allocations for Ukrainian migrants, from Cllr. Carey in relation to length of time between and allocation of houses and tenancies starting and from Cllr Mahon in relation to allocation of RAS tenants.  

F Hendley and E Leech responded to the queries.  Ms Hendley asked Cllr. Tuffy to contact her in relation the specific cases.  Regarding the time lapse between allocation of properties and families moving in, it was noted that this could be due to a number of reasons including Garda Vetting or the extent of the re-let works involved.  

Ms. Pierce responded to Cllr .Mahon in relation to the NTQ’s received for RAS tenants and that the section is continuing to work on requests as received.  

The report was noted.  

Agenda Item No 6 - Private Housing and Older Persons Grants  

F Hendley delivered a report on Private Grants available Housing Adaptation Grant (HAG)/ Mobility Aid Grant (MAG) and Housing Adaptation Grant (HOP).  

The section is working on a new platform to enable applicants for apply for grants online and provide the best possible service to our citizens. The process has been tested by the Age Council and feedback given has been considered.  E Leech confirmed that this offering of online applications, would be in addition to the option of traditional paper copies. It would not be replacing the paper/hard-copy applications. 

There were queries and contributions from Cllrs Lawlor, Carey, Donaghy and Mahon. Ms Leech and Ms Hendley responded to the queries.   

The report was noted: 

Agenda Item No 7- Items for Noting

E Leech referenced the Items for noting and there were queries from Cllr Moynihan, Cllr Carey and Cllr Mahon.  

  1. Leech responded to the various queries. In response to Cllr. Moynihan’s query on vacant home, she said there are two vacant homes officers now in situ. The team are currently carrying out a survey of vacant homes in the County in conjunction with the DHLGH. 

In response to Cllr. Care’s query, Mr Leech noted that under-occupied properties are usually 3/ 4 bed properties where there are bedrooms being underutilised, i.e., 2 persons living in a 3 bedroom property.

In response to Cllr. Mahon’s query on the incremental tenant purchase, Ms Leech advised that all applicants for the tenant purchase scheme must undergo a retrospective rent review as applicants must have a clear rent account.  The 10-year tenancy rule is now in place for the purchase of a property. 

Agenda Items No 8 - Requested by Members 

  1. Employment of trades persons by contractor on housing projects. 

There were contributions from Cllrs Tuffy, Carey and Mahon and the report was noted.  


  1. Fire Safety

Cllr. O Connor introduced Assistant Chief Fire Officer O’ Dwyer who addressed questions raised by G Stockil, PPN Member. The questions were in relation to response times by the Fire Brigade to incidents in the county, issues relating to Dry Risers, and other aerial appliances used to fight fires and then questions on the Dublin Fire Brigade Fire and Emergency Operations Plan and Public Consultation.  

Mr. O’ Dwyer responded to each query at length and noted that of the 11 occasions aerial equipment was requested in the county in 2023, it was only used at 3 incidents with the response times being between 15-20 minutes. The national  standard is 15 minutes 75% of the time. The comparable response times for normal fire appliances is the first appliance in 8 minutes and second within 10 minutes.  He also noted there are several new appliances ordered under the program for 2023.   

 In relation to availability of Dry Risers and related matters, he noted that an assessment is carried out at each incident, and it is the officer in charge who would make the call as to what appropriate equipment is used. In relation the DFB – Fire Emergency Operations Plan, he clarified the differences between a major incident and a major emergency. 

Mr. O’ Dwyer also updated the committee on the work of the Organisational Intelligence Unit, the use of GEO Building Intel systems and Water Mapping in the Dublin Region. 

The Chair thanked Mr O’ Dwyer for his comments. 

There were contributions from G. Stockil (PPN), Cllr. W Carey and Cllr K Mahon who thanked the Assistant Chief Fire Officer for his comments and raised some matters in relation to the reported response times; adequate water pressure for equipment and recruitment of new staff in the service to deal with incidents as they arise.  

The Assistant Chief Fire Officer responded to the queries.   

Cllr. O’Connor thanked the Assistant Chief Fire Officer, and the report was noted.  


Agenda Item No 9 - Any Other Business 

The date of the next meeting is set for Thursday 14th September and the November date is Wednesday 22 November. The original November date was changed as it clashed with a budget meeting. 

The meeting concluded at 7.00pm