South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, June 12, 2023


MOTION: Councillor L. Hagin Meade

That SDCC creates a policy on use of inclusive street furniture in our public spaces, including mobility-friendly benches accessible for older people and those with arthritis, tables suitable for use by wheelchair users, and seating for people with young children.


South Dublin County Council is a signatory to the Barcelona Declaration, this Council recognises the importance of addressing the needs of individuals with disabilities as an essential component of our decision-making processes. In our efforts to design inclusive public spaces, we strive to adopt a universal access approach. This approach encompasses the provision of a diverse range of benches that cater to various requirements.  

We are committed to offering a wide selection of seating options throughout the Public Realm, including benches specifically designed for older individuals and those with disabilities, tables that are wheelchair-accessible, and seating suitable for individuals with young children. Additionally, we prioritize the incorporation of benches with tactile and sensory qualities, as well as larger group benches for teenagers. Furthermore, the placement of these benches is carefully considered to ensure safe and level access for all individuals, taking into account the specific needs of those with disabilities. By considering these factors, we aim to create an environment that accommodates the needs of everyone in our community.

In recent years the Council has designed and implemented wheelchair accessible picnic benches. These benches are a very welcome addition to the County’s public realm furniture.  They are universally accessible and inclusive and can be used by wheelchair users in the same way as non-wheelchair users.  The bench design varies and can facilitate 2 wheelchairs, one on either side of the table along the end of each bench.  Another design accommodates one wheelchair and also allows easier access to a person with reduced mobility such as an elderly person or someone using a walking frame, where a bench seat would be too difficult to access. These benches are also particularly useful for people with buggies. All accessible benches require a hard surface circulatory route around the bench and a surfaced path leading to the bench.

The preparation of the Parks and Open Space Strategy offers an opportunity to establish a policy on the provision of accessible seating and park furniture.  It is intended that this will be included in the strategy document when it is finalised.