South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, June 12, 2023


MOTION: Councillor A. Edge

This council agrees that, following on from the feasibility study budgeted for in 2021, the Executive proceeds with a scheme to compost in-house all tree prunings, grass cuttings and other organic matter arising from public realm maintenance and to make full use of the compost in terms of anaerobic digestion and distribution of the locally produced compost as part of a move to a truly circular economy.


A provision of €10,000 was made in the 2022 revenue budget to carry out a feasibility study into the treatment of grass cuttings and the possible production of renewable gas from this process.  The Council's Public Realm Section in conjunction with the Waste Management Section conducted a tender process during the course of 2022 to procure a consultancy service to carry out the feasibility study.  Only one tender submission was received however this tender was not accepted as it was considered that it did not fully meet the requirements of the technical specification in the tender.  Following this some time was spent researching the market with regard to specialist firms who would have the experience and expertise necessary to carry out the study.  A second tender process was commenced in early 2023 which has resulted in a much higher level of interest from tenderers, this tender process is nearing completion with a preferred bidder identified.  

It is expected that the feasibility study will commence in May and will run for the remainder of the year to cover the full grass cutting season.  The outcome of the study will be reported to the elected members once a report from the study is available.  It is not possible to predict the outcome of the study, it may or may not establish treatment of grass cuttings as a process which is economically viable and sustainable.  It should be noted that the process being trialled will not produce compost.  The purpose of the trial is to determine what it will produce in terms of renewable biogas and digestate in the form of organic fertiliser.   The Council's Public Realm Section already shreds all tree pruning material and re-uses this in landscaping projects and this process is consistent with the aims and objectives of the circular economy.  Leaves removed from the leaf sweeping operation in winter are currently composted however this material will also be examined in the feasibility study.