Monday, June 12, 2023
MOTION: Councillor E. Ó Broin
This council agrees to set out an ambitious timeframe for retrofitting it's existing housing stock to a level that ensures (i) the comfort of tenants via efficient heating systems, (ii) the health of tenants by the elimination of damp and mould and (iii) that climate targets are met via a substantial reduction in the use of fossil fuels for heating and cooking.
In 2021, the Council established a planned maintenance section within our current housing maintenance structure. As part of this structure, additional technical and administrative staffing resources were provided to oversee delivery of planned retrofit works that will improve energy efficiency of the building fabric through our windows and doors replacement programme and the national energy efficiency retrofit programme.
Achieving the objective of a minimum B2 BER rating from the energy retrofit works requires considerable surveys (BER, heat loss, air tightness, mechanical and electrical etc.) to inform designers in the preparation of tender documentation. Additional post works surveys are required upon completion of the contract and to assist with this, we work with obligated parties who provide services under the Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS) which places a legal requirement on larger energy companies, i.e. the obligated parties, to help energy users to reduce their energy consumption.
The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage sets targets and associated funding for individual local authorities for the Energy Efficiency Retrofit Programme (EERP).The overall target for 2021/22 is 263 properties, at an average cost allowed of €36,000 per property. The 2023 target issued by the DHLGH on 31st May 2023 for SDCC is 110 properties for energy retrofit works. The allocation of properties for 2023 is significantly lower than expected. To date, the DHLGH has not provide any indication of the level of funding, or targets for the subsequent years of the programme.
Whilst the DHLGH allocation for the 2023 programme is lower than expected, our Planned Maintenance Section are continuing to progress plans for an expansion of the programme. Without confirmation of funding for a multi-annual programme, it is currently not possible to provide an estimated delivery programme of works.
The current summary position for the EERP is as follows: