South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, May 30, 2023


Report of the Housing SPC, Thursday 16th February 2023


Report of South Dublin County Council Housing SPC Meeting held at 5.30 p.m. on Thursday 16 February 2023 at 5.30pm (Hybrid Meeting)

In attendance:

Cllr. C O’Connor (Chair), Cllr. W. Carey, Cllr. L. Donaghy, Cllr. B. Lawlor, Cllr. S. Moynihan, Cllr. J. Tuffy, G. Stockil (PPN) and B. Tyrell-Collard (ICTU).

Apologies: Cllr. K Mahon, S Harty (PPN)

Officials Present:

C Ward (Director of Services), B. Pierce (Senior Executive Officer), N. Hanly (Senior Executive Officer), E. Leech (Senior Executive Officer), M. Murtagh (Administrative Officer), F. Keane (Senior Staff Officer) and M. Farrell (Clerical Officer).

Others present:

The Chairperson, Cllr. C O’Connor opened the meeting at 5.30pm

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting of the committee, held on 23 November 2022, were noted and agreed.

  1. Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

  1. 2023 Housing SPC Work Programme

C Ward referred to the report circulated in advance that was agreed by the CPG recently.

Cllr W Carey raised a query relating to Anti-Social behaviour and C ward responded that would be one of the areas they would review under the proposed new strategy.

The report was noted.

  1. Housing Delivery

The Chair referred to the report that was pre-recorded by Brenda Pierce.

C Ward mentioned the PPP that was approved by the council at the recent meeting and he would bring updates as they progress. Also agreed at the council meeting was a proposal for Belgard cost rental.  

Cllr Carey asked about the breakdown of social homes in the figures circulated and C Ward responded.

There was a query from Cllr Moynihan in relation to housing delivery in Palmerston/Fonthill in 2023 and B Pierce replied that there was no Part V agreed yet in the area for 2023 delivery. However, there is agreement of a Part V for three developments on the N4 and a Part 8 was approved in Palmerston village for 4 age friendly units (costs ran too high for Tuath Housing to make it work now). However, Tuath are exploring the option of acquiring an adjacent site which would enable a larger development and more economies of scale.  

The report is noted.

  1. Allocations and Right Sizing

The report was pre-recorded and is for noting by the committee.

There were questions from Cllr Moynihan who asked if the Rough Sleeper count could be included and if the waiting list could be broken down further into different categories. Cllr Carey enquired if it would be possible to enhance the profiles on CBL to help clients.

N Hanly responded to both queries and said he would review the data for the rough sleeper count and the waiting list and revert. In relation to CBL, the team are working to enhance the offering on the system.

Cllr O’Connor raised a question about the Age Friendly units in Springfield and N Hanly responded.

The report was noted.

  1. Vacant homes

E Leech delivered a brief report outlining the vacant homes initiative in SDCC. Under housing for all, there was a provision for a vacant home officer and SDCC have now appointed two officers. There is a dedicated webpage on the SDCC website outlining all the relevant details.

There were queries from Cllrs Tuffy, Moynihan and Carey which were responded to by E Leech.

The report was noted.

  1. Next Phase of Affordable Purchase Housing – Kilcarbery

C Ward gave a verbal update to the committee outlining the details of the second phase of the affordable purchase scheme in Kilcarbery. There will be 29 units to launch in March and there should be 5 further units in 2024 also.

There was a contribution from Cllr Carey referring to incidents where applicants may lose their help to buy scheme if their mortgage draw down is under 69%. C Ward and E Leech responded outlining the guidelines from the Dept of Housing around equity stakes in the properties and how it would be necessary for applicants to get independent financial advice before committing to the scheme.  

The report was noted by the committee.

  1. Traveller Accommodation Pilot Choice Based Letting Initiative

E Leech delivered a report and outlined the parameters of the scheme that would be advertised under Choice Based Lettings for Adamstown. A scheme of priority would apply if the interest is over six applications.

Cllrs Carey, Lawlor, Moynihan and Tuffy asked questions which were responded to by E Leech where she advised that families who identify as Irish traveller can apply to transfer, and Council staff would be available to help families complete the forms. C Ward advised that the properties are located within the SDZ of Adamstown and noted there is an existing similar development in Owendor Haven with no further plans to do a further upgrade in that development. He also advised that the current brochure for properties in Adamstown is in draft form and it would be the intention to include the floor plans in future drafts.

The report was noted.

  1. Strategic Housing Developments in South Dublin (pre-recorded)

C Ward referred to the comprehensive pre-recorded report made available in advance of the meeting and said he would take any questions from the committee.

There were no questions, and the report was noted.

   10. Items for Noting 

         a. AHB Communications Memorandum of Understanding

         b. Relets Update

         c. Progress Report on Planned Maintenance Programmesd.

         d. Rental Inspections (Final 2022 Report)

         e. Housing Grants (Final 2022 Report)

         f. Local Authority Home Loan (Final 2022 Report)

Cllr Moynihan raised a query on the Planned Maintenance Programme and Relets which were responded to by C Ward.

The reports were noted.

   11. Items Requested by Members

Reports provided in relation to agenda items requested by members of the Committee were noted in relation to:

a. G. Stockil: Fire Safety Matters

b. Cllr William Carey

G Stockil advised of the ongoing concerns of the PPN in relation to the significant deficits in the fire safety equipment in Tallaght Fire Station. 

C Ward responded and noted that the Chief Fire Officer has been invited to address members at the next meeting of this committee and that the CFO attended the O, P&F meeting and did address some of the issues of concern.

He referred to the Inter-County Sub-Committee on Fire and Emergency Management and noted attendees are designated officials only. It was agreed the Director would arrange for Mr Stockil to attend the Environment, Water and Climate Change SPC meeting as an observer.

The reports were noted.


  1. Any Other Business

The Chair noted that suggestions for agenda items should be submitted to consideration to the Director.

Cllr Tuffy suggested a site visit to Adamstown to view the developments.

Cllr Lawlor asked about the Local Community Safety Partnership and the Director responded that this would be dealt with through the JPC

There was no other business and the meeting concluded at 6.40pm.