South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, May 08, 2023


QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor

To ask the CEO to detail his last review of Grave spaces throughout our County; will he give assurances in respect of the issue and make a statement? 


The preparation of a burial grounds strategy was commenced by the Environment, Water and Climate Change SPC in 2022 and this process is examining the provision of grave spaces in the County.  The examination of related issues will look at the current and future provision of grave spaces in privately developed graveyards as well as Council owned ones.

There are 3 Council owned graveyards where graves are available for sale and these are Bohernabreena, Saggart and Newcastle graveyards.  There are currently 126 plots available for sale in Bohernabreena with scope for the development of another 2,200 plots with the next 600 of these to be developed later this year.  There are also cremation plots and angels plots available in Bohernabreena and these are being developed in accordance with need and demand for them. 

The extension to Saggart graveyard in 2001 provided approximately 700 additional spaces with 310 of these still remaining.  There is no scope for further development of additional plots in Saggart graveyard.  

The Muslim graveyard at Newcastle currently has 91 plots available for both adults and children and this section will be further developed as required.  There is scope for the development of an additional 900 plots ine Muslim section.  In the non-denominational section of Newcastle graveyard there are 494 plots available with scope to develop a further 1,600 plots in the future. 

There are no grave plots remaining in Esker graveyard however provision has been made in the 2023 revenue budget for the development of a Columbarium Wall for cremation urns, and plans are being prepared for this at the present time.  A new privately opeated graveyard, Esker Lawns Cemetery, has opened recently in the area with 3,400 grave plots available there.

The privately operated graveyards at Newlands Cross, Mount Venus and Kilmashogue continue to operate and the available capacity at these locations will be established through the review process and preparation of the burial grounds strategy.