South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, April 24, 2023


QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor

"To ask the CEO to update members on the development of the housing project at Brady's Field, Old Bawn Road; will he detail contacts he has with the local community particularly Tymon Bawn Football Club who had concerns in the matter and will he make a statement?"


 The Housing Project at Brady’s field consists of 12 Age Friendly houses and Apartments consisting of :

The most recent update in relation to the above development is that a 3D sketch image of the proposed boundary wall was presented to the Councillors on 16th March 2023, and an agreement was reached that the finish of the wall should be in limestone, and the extent of the limestone wall to be provided along the length of the eastern boundary of the scheme as it faces onto the Old Bawn Road (R113).

The Tree of hope has been relocated as previously agreed, in order to facilitate the location of the homes. Following inspection in March of this year, the tree appears to have taken well in its new location and is coming into leaf. The condition of the tree will be monitored further until the completion of the scheme.

The original Old Bawn naming stone is being kept in safe storage, and will be reinstated prior to the completion of the scheme. The location and form of the enclosure of the stone have previously been approved by the Councillors.

Emails have been sent to Tymon Bawn Football Club requesting them to contact the Council to discuss the football pitch and boundary with the develoment and as of the date of this reply we await them to contact us. 

The scheme is progressing according to its programme, with window and door installations due to be complete by mid-May. This will complete the building enclosures, with the roofs substantially complete, and external plastering commenced on the homes.

Works commenced on site in in August 2022, and the homes are expected to be completed in August this year, assuming no unexpected delays occur.