South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, April 24, 2023


QUESTION: Councillor T. Costello

"To ask the manager have you been notified of any plans to restore 'Whitehall House' otherwise known as Katharine Tynan House or has SDCC any plans to become involved in restoration/enhancement of this Structure as one of the objectives in the County Dev Plan is to protect and enhance sites listed in the Record of Monuments & Places. County Dev Plan Objective : NCBH13 Objective 3: To protect and enhance sites listed in the Record of Monuments and Places and ensure that development in the vicinity of a Recorded Monument or Area of Archaeological Potential does not detract from the setting of the site, monument, feature or object and is sited and designed appropriately Protected Structure Schedule DU021-01401- 3326 30732/23037 Newlands Cross - gateway site DU021-01402- 3326 30732/23037 Newlands Cross - date stone site Whitehall, Ballymount Road, Kingswood House (Two Storey & Single Storey RPS Ref 197?"


Whitehall House (Former Katherine Tyan’s House) is referred to in the Council’s Record of Protected Structures - South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028 under RPS No. 197.    During 2019 the owners contacted the Planning Authority as part of pre-planning consultation and were advised at the time by the Councils Architectural Conservation Officer that a survey and condition assessment of the existing protected structure would be required in order to fully understand the work required to restore and re-use the existing building.

During July 2020, the following works were carried out by the owners of the property as an initial step.

Following the works outlined above a full condition assessment has now been completed by the owners of the site and recommendations for necessary works to safeguard the existing building have been provided.  On foot of the remedial works and condition assessment the owners applied under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2022 which is managed and administered by the Councils Architectural Conservation Officer, LUPT and funded by the Department Housing, Local Government and Heritage.  The application was successful, and the owners were awarded grant funding towards the conservation works listed.

The grant works included;

A planning application was submitted by the owners during 2021 under Reg. Ref. SD21A/0148 which included for the refurbishment of former Katherine Tynan House with change of use from disused dwelling to community centre. Works will entail refurbishment of the roof and external walls; reinstatement of windows and external doors, ceilings and floors, reinstatement of a conservatory and glazed porch, new internal stairs and doors; new services and sanitary accommodation; two new single storey open-fronted structures on part of the footprint earlier outbuildings with an enclosed area for toilets (534sq.m); refurbishment of historic garden walls and gates; upgrading of the existing non historic entrance and approach from the Ballymount Road; and provision for parking on site. 

The proposed development detailed above was granted permission by SDCC on the 11th of January 2022.  As the property is in private ownership SDCC have no plans to carry out any development on the site and are not aware of any timeframe by the owners to implement their grant of permission. There is a standard 5 year duration on the planning application. 

It should be noted that objective 3 as referenced relates to Archaeological heritage and archaeological policy and does not relate to the Protected Structure Whitehall House, which is included in the Record of Protected Structures.  Protected Structures are governed by legislation under Part IV of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). Policies relating to Protected Structures are included under Section 3.5.2; Policy NCBH19  (County Development Plan 2022-2028).  It is considered that the steps taken above to secure and safeguard the structure have adhered to policy objectives in the CDP.