Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Headed Item No. 1
Draft Minutes of Social, Community & Equality Strategic Policy Committee Meeting at 3p.m. on Tuesday 15th November 2022 via Microsoft Teams
In Attendance: Cllr. T. Gilligan (Chair), Cllr. V. Casserly, Cllr. C. O’Connor, Cllr. S. O'Hara, Cllr. P. Holohan, L. Byrne (PPN)
Apologies: Cllr. C. Bailey, D. Hennessy (PPN).
Officials Present: C. Ward (Director of Services), J. Moroney Ward (Senior Executive Officer, Community), T. McDermott (Local Sports Coordinator), P. McAlerney (Senior Community Officer), P. Swayne (Age Friendly Officer), L. Cush (Healthy Ireland Co-ordinator), A. Troy (Senior Staff Officer), M. Murtagh, (Administrative Officer) F. Keane (Senior Staff Officer), M. Farrell (Clerical Officer).
The Chair, Cllr. Gilligan, opened the meeting at 3pm.
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 20 September 2022 were proposed by Cllr. Gilligan, seconded by Cllr. O’Hara and agreed.
2. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
3. Healthy Ireland
L. Cush, the Council's new Healthy Ireland co-ordinator provided an update on Healthy Ireland Initiative and its four key goals:
She outlined the programme and its funding and there were contributions from Cllrs. Gilligan, Holohan, O. Hara and Casserly in relation to vaping, nitrous oxide cannisters, the need to focus on a combined approach to healthy lifestyles, the focus on physical activity and the inclusion of people with a disability which L. Cush responded to. the report was then noted by the committee.
4. Community Centre Management & Governance Support
J. Moroney Ward delivered a report outlining the proposed community grants support for community centres to enhance their operational capacity and forward planning through three strands of funding:
This will be delivered through the additional funding provided in the Council's Annual Budget.
Cllr. Gilligan welcomed the presentation and acknowledged the ongoing work of the Council in supporting community centres and the report was then noted by the committee.
5. Social Inclusion week
A. Troy delivered a presentation outlining the schedule of events of Social Inclusion Week and detailed some selected highlights of the schedule which runs from 14th-20thNovember with 27 activities approved to date. Cllrs. Gilligan and O'Connor welcomed the schedule encouraging committee members to promote and share it with their networks and the report was noted by the committee.
6. Other Items for Noting by the Committee
(a.) Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP)
J. Moroney Ward gave a report on the status of the LECP and the work of the advisory committee which is developing the associated high-level goals and work plan. There were contributions from Cllrs. Gilligan and O’Connor and it was agreed that further updates on the process as it progresses will be brought to this SPC.
(b.) Age Friendly Update (Pre-recorded)
P. Swayne referenced the report noting the progress in relation to restarting the Older People’s Council in particular and there were contributions from Cllrs. Gilligan and Holohan who welcomed the report and all the supports for older people after which the report was noted.
(c.) Healthy Age Friendly Homes Update (pre-recorded)
The pre-recorded presentation from Mary Roach, Healthy Age Friendly Homes Co-ordinator, which was circulated in advance of the meeting, was noted by the committee.
(d.) Sports Plan
A report outlining progress to date in relation to the development of a local sports plan was noted by the committee with consultation due to take place with key internal and external partners through November. It is intended that a draft of the Plan will be available for review by the committee by February 2023.
(e.) Community Infrastructure Grants
A report on distribution of the 2022 Community Infrastructure Fund, which provides €350,000 for community groups, including sports clubs, the opportunity to apply for funding to assist with the costs of either constructing new facilities or for the modernisation and/or expansion of existing facilities, was noted.
7. Matters Raised by Committtee Members:
(a.) Accessible Toilets
It was noted that within the Council’s community development grants programme, community groups are given the opportunity to submit applications for funding to assist with costs associated with organising local community events and festivals and that the community development team generally require the provision of accessible toilet facilities if the organisers consider it necessary to provide public toilet facilities for the event.
It is proposed to amend the funding application process to add a further requirement for the applicants to confirm the measures they are incorporating into their event proposal to ensure that it is accessible for all to attend and participate. The Council’s Disability Liaison, Access and Equality Officer is providing advice on this and the proposed updated application reflecting the amendments will be introduced for new applications in 2023.
There were contributions from Cllrs. Gilligan and O’Connor enquiring about toilet facilities for the weekly park run events and J. Moroney Ward advised that this is being reviewed.
(b.) Childcare
J. Moroney Ward informed the committee that her team are committed to undertaking to produce a childcare analysis report in the first quarter of 2023. The team will work with the South Dublin County Childcare Committee to help provide a basis for understanding the future childcare needs of the community. The report was noted.
8. Any Other Business
C. Ward advised the committee of the latest projected timelines for completion of Lucan pool which is likely to be completed by summer 2023 following which there were contributions from Cllrs. Gilligan and Casserly.
The meeting concluded at 4:20 p.m.