South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, February 16, 2023


Report of the Housing SPC, Wednesday 23 November 2022

Report of South Dublin County Council Housing SPC Meeting held at 5.30 p.m. on Wed 23 November 2022 at 5.30pm (Hybrid Meeting)

In attendance:

Cllr. D. O’Donovan, , Cllr. W. Carey, Cllr. L. Donaghy, Cllr. B. Lawlor, Cllr. S. Moynihan, Cllr. J. Tuffy, G. Stockil (PPN), S. Harty (PPN) and B. Tyrell-Collard (ICTU).

Apologies: Cllr. K Mahon.

Officials Present:

C Ward (Director of Services), B. Pierce (Senior Executive Officer), N. Hanly (Senior Executive Officer), E. Leech (Senior Executive Officer), M. Murtagh (Administrative Officer), F. Keane (Senior Staff Officer) and M. Farrell (Clerical Officer).

Others present: Mr. John Hannigan, Chair of Housing Alliance & CEO of Circle VHA and Ms. Camille Loftus, Executive Director, Housing Alliance

The Chairperson, Cllr. Deirdre O’Donovan opened the meeting at 5.30pm

1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting of the committee, held on 8th September 2022, were noted and agreed.

2. Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

3. Presentation from the Approved Housing Bodies Housing Alliance

J. Hannigan and C. Loftus of the Housing Alliance delivered a detailed presentation on the role of the Alliance which is a collaboration between six of Ireland’s largest AHBs with a focus on increasing supply & professionalism. They provided an overview of their strategic plan, level of housing stock and operations which was followed by questions and contributions from Cllrs. Carey, Tuffy and Lawlor, S. Harty and G. Stockil.

Mr. Hannigan and Ms. Loftus responded to the questions outlining their approach to communications, tenant engagement and other operational matters.  C. Ward outlined the Council’s commitment to ongoing positive partnership with the Alliance members and thanked Mr. Hannigan and Ms. Loftus for attending the meeting.

4. AHB Communication Protocol

B Pierce updated the committee on the proposed AHB Communications Protocol in the context of increasing AHB housing delivery in South Dublin and recognising the advocacy and representative role of local Elected Members.  The MoU provides a mechanism to facilitate formal and other engagement with AHBs will incorporate existing formal arrangements & informal communications.  The draft has been forwarded to AHB representative organisations (Housing Alliance & Irish Council for Social Housing) for input and review and it is proposed to have an agreed document in place by February 2023 for circulation to all AHBs operating for agreement.

Questions from Cllrs. Moynihan, Tuffy, Carey and O’Donovan were responded to by B. Pierce and it was agreed that committee members would provide any feedback on the draft by Friday 2nd December.

5. Social Housing Re-letting Process

E Leech outlined the recent social housing re-let review and the proposed revised approach to re-lets including maximising planned maintenance and energy retro-fit programmes, improved internal collaboration between Allocations & Maintenance teams, enhanced management of the process through the integrated housing system and utilisation of the targeted approach to “hard-to-let” properties with the objective of a target turnaround time of between 16 and 20 weeks.

Cllrs. Carey and O’Donovan raised queries in relation turnaround times and the performance of other local authorities, but it was noted that different stock profiles may support shorter relet times.

The report was noted.

6. Housing Delivery Report (Pre-recorded)

A pre-recorded presentation by B. Pierce was made available in advance of the meeting outlining the current status of the housing delivery programme, with projected substantial completion of 391 units by year end 2022, representing 98% of the delivery target. C. Ward also highlighted the proposed public/private partnership (PPP) site comprising of 120 social homes at Clonburris (in Phase 5 of the Council owned lands in the SDZ, near lynches Park) which will be subject of a “Section 85” agreement in Q1 2023 to authorise Dublin City to progress the design work for the site on the Council’s behalf.

There were questions and contributions from Cllrs. Tuffy, Carey, Lawlor, Moynihan and O’Donovan in relation to developments at Maplewood, Springfield, Homeville and Balgaddy which C. Ward responded to by outlining the projected timelines for same and then the report was noted by the committee.

7. Allocations Report (Pre-Recorded)

A pre-recorded presentation by N. Hanly was made available in advance of the meeting detailing housing allocations in 2022 as well as profiling the housing list with information on homeless, medical, refusals of offers of accommodation and age friendly need.  The proposed launch of an online social housing application process next week was also highlighted.  Questions and contributions from Cllrs, O’Donovan, Lawlor, and Carey, G. Stockil and S Harty which N. Hanly responded to by outlining the following:

The report was then noted by the committee.

8. Items for Noting

Reports provided for the committee's information were noted in relation to the following:

9. Items Requested by Committee Members:

Reports provided in relation to agenda items requested by members of the Committee were noted in relation to:

C Ward advised that the Council’s Director of Environment, Water and Climate Change, Teresa Walsh, manages the relationship with the Dublin Fire Brigade and that the Dublin Inter-County Sub-Committee on Fire and Emergency Management includes representation from four South Dublin councillors.

G Stockil advised of the ongoing concerns of the PPN in relation to the County not having a 42-foot ladder available given the number of high-rise buildings.  He said he would be raising his concerns with the PPN sub-committee also.

10. Any Other Business

Cllr. O’Donovan suggested that a presentation from Chief Fire Officer be made at the next meeting and C. Ward agreed to request this.

G. Stockil requested that the committee to review the effect of SHDs in the planning pipeline and notwithstanding that this may be more aligned to the work of the Planning SPC, C. Ward agreed that a report in relation to SHDs would be brought to the next meeting of this committee.

It was further agreed at the request of S. Harty that, where possible, the reports would be circulated in good time in advance of the next meeting  to ensure adequate time for review by committee members.

There was no other business and the meeting concluded at 7.00 p.m.