Monday, January 23, 2023
QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor
"To the ask the CEO if he has continued to monitor works on the hoarding site on Mayberry Road, which was raised at our December meeting and will he give assurances and present an update?"
The following report was provided to the December 2022 meeting in relation to this Hoarding License
"A S 254 / Hoarding License in respect of development at Mayberry Road was issued by this Council in October 2022. The licence was granted following assessment of the application made by Elliott Properties.
This hoarding license is to facilitate safe development of the site and to protect the health and safety of public road and footpath users, and may also apply to the use of the public road space at the specific location.
The hoarding is to be removed upon completion of works, when following Council inspection, the licence will be withdrawn.
Details of all S 254 applications and licences applied for and granted are published in the Council’s weekly planning list and on the website following an internal review in 2020 of the S254 processes. This review sought to improve awareness of S254 applications, being cognisant of sentiments expressed by Elected Members in relation to public consultation.
It is important to note that the SDCC processes on Section 254 Licence applications are in accordance with Section 254 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and that to date, there is no public consultation provision in Section 254 of the Act. The practice of accepting public submissions could convey an erroneous impression to the public that such submissions have a role in the statutory process for deciding on Section 254 Licenses.
For comparison, it should be noted that planning legislation pertaining to planning applications (Section 34 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) requires the Planning Authority to have regard to submissions.
The current access to the development site via the hoarding is temporary, and the movement of vehicles into the site is being carefully monitored by the contractor to ensure public safety. The Public Realm Section of SDCC have been in direct contact with the contractor regarding reinstatement of the grass verge following completion of the works.
Movement of vehicles across a public footpath is not a unique situation in an urban environment".
The discussion at the December meeting focused on the movement of construction traffic, and it is reiterated that movement of vehicles continues during the development stage and continues to be monitored.
There is nothing further to add to the previous report at this time.