![South Dublin County Council Crest](https://meetings.southdublin.ie/Home/ViewDocument/de9efb17-d90a-43f2-a068-a1a201090082)
Monday, November 14, 2022
QUESTION: Councillor G. O'Connell
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report on the type and frequency of inspections of the dog shelter currently used by the Council and include a copy of the vet inspection form currently in use.
Frequent, unannounced inspections are carried out by the Council's Veterinary Inspectors. As a result of these inspections, where necessary, corrective action reports are sent to the Shelter operator, Midland Animal Care for attention. Any such reports are followed up by the Council's Veterinary Inspectors. To date in 2022, eleven inspections have been carried out by the Council's Veterinary Inspectors. Each Inspection report covers the following:
Kennel Structure:
- Walls
- Roofing
- Floors
- Division between kennels
- Junctions between floors and kennel walls
- Drainage / drains
- Pooling of water
- Surfaces – impervious - Easy to clean
- Natural
- Artificial
- Light sufficient to examine dogs / clean kennels
- Any smells in buildings
- Means of ventilation
- Means of heating kennels
- Temperature in individual houses
- Temperature records
- How is temperature recorded
- Additional heating for some dogs / pups if required
- Are kennels protected from extremes of temperature
- Heaters – any risk of fire / electrocution
- Types of beds in use
- Types of bedding in use
- Are all dogs provided with raised bed
- Beds and bedding easily cleaned
Size of Kennels:
- Kennels suitable size for occupying dogs
- Room to lie flat
- Wag tails
- Stretch fully
- Move freely
- Separate area for food / water
- Separate area to urinate / defaecate
- Able to move out of view of other dogs
- Able to see out of kennel
Isolation Kennels:
- Clearly identified kennels for isolation
- Separate from other kennels
- Drainage from isolation kennels
- Footbath
Exercise Areas:
- Suitable surfaces / drains
- Suitable safe fencing
- Easily cleaned
- Maintained clean
- Protected from weather
Cleaning / disinfection:
- Hot and cold water available
- All kennels clean
- Faeces and soiled material removal from kennels
- Disinfectant in use suitable for kennels
- Feeding bowl cleaning
- Sufficient utensil and hand wash sinks
- Warden’s van cleaning area
- Dogs access to dry area during cleaning
- Dogs protected from chemicals / injury during cleaning
Pest Control:
- Pest control company
- Records of visits
- Access to bait points
- Signage at entrance
- Removal of dogs from vans – enclosed yard
- Lighting in yard
- Double gates
Waste Disposal:
- Bins provided for various types
- Sharps container
- No access by dogs / public to sharps/ chemical waste
- Suitable size
- Free from odours / run off
- Licenced transporter
Food Store:
- Types of food in use
- Pest proof containers
- Secure from contamination
- Guarded from extremes of temperature
Chemical Store:
- Suitable storage for cleaning chemicals
- Lockable storage
- Maintained clean and tidy
- Staff toilets
- Public toilets
- Washing machine / dryer
- Separate offices for staff and wardens
- Parking
Veterinary Care:
- Name of Practice
- Vaccination procedures
- Microchipping procedures
- Records of veterinary treatments / consultations
- Records of medicines administered
- Secure storage of medicines / vaccines
- Canine first aid kit
- Suitable treatment room
- Records of euthanasia / sedation by VS
- Records
- Welfare groups used for rehoming
- Number of staff
- Training of staff
- First aid kits
- Fire extinguishers / blankets
Exercise / Socialisation:
- Are records kept of daily exercise / leash walks
- Are records kept of socialisation / enrichment activity
- Are toys / puzzle feeders provided
Dogs in Shelter:
- Total number in shelter
- Are any dogs receiving medication or receiving veterinary care
- Are any dogs on special diets
- Are any dogs in special kennels
- Do any dogs require grooming
- Freedom from hunger / thirst – provided with adequate food / water
- Freedom from discomfort – provided with comfortable environment
- Freedom from pain, injury, disease – provided with vet care, access to appropriate care and accommodation
- Freedom to express normal behaviour – provided with sufficient space, exercise company
- Freedom from fear and distress – provided with safe, calm environment; timid dogs – more care, special arrangements
- Daily cleaning records
- Maintenance checks
- Exercise logs
- Individual dog records
- Initial health and welfare assessment
- Dog ID / microchipping
- Feeding
- Exercise
- Veterinary care / medication
- Temperament
- Socialisation
- Rehoming / euthanasia