South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, November 14, 2022


QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons

To ask the Chief Executive for a detailed report on step down accommodation. Report to include how many are currently on the list and how the plan will work for both Council tenants and private house owners?


Under our Housing Delivery Action Plan (HDAP) 2022-2026, the Council, together with Approved Housing Bodies, plan to provide up to 600 high-quality, new age friendly homes to facilitate rightsizing and support older people to age in place and live independently for longer in their own communities.  These homes, designed using best practice in design, location and supports by our Age Friendly Housing Technical Advisor include the following due for delivery in 2023 and 2024:

In addition, potential additional age friendly homes are being explored for delivery in Citywest, Rathcoole, Lucan, Bawnogue, Walkinstown and Tallaght under the HDAP including in AHB & private developments.

The Council’s Rightsizing Policy, adopted by the Elected Members in December 2020, provides for allocation of age friendly homes to people aged 55 or older through the housing list (including homeless, medical priority or HAP transfers), transfers (existing Council tenants rightsizing) or the community list (financial contribution for private homeowners rightsizing). Up to 10% of homes in new age friendly housing developments will, at first allocation, be made available to applicants from the Community List (Private Home Owners).

Our 2020 County Age Friendly County Strategy highlighted local demographic and underoccupancy challenges following a significant census-on-census increase in the number and age profile of older people and noting that over 11% of our three- and four-bedroom social homes are occupied solely by just one or two older people living in homes. Our Age Friendly Healthy Homes Co-ordinator engages on a case-by-case basis with older person households to discuss rightsizing and other housing and healthcare supports.

Allocations have commenced for the initial homes becoming available with properties advertised through Choice Based Letting and rightsizing applications being progressed for both social housing tenants and private homeowners.  There are currently 69 rightsizing transfer applications from existing tenants and 29 community list applications from private homeowners wishing to rightsize.

The Council’s Rightsizing Policy, adopted by the Elected Members in December 2020, provides for allocation of age friendly homes to people aged 55 or older through the housing list (including homeless, medical priority or HAP transfers), transfers (existing Council tenants rightsizing) or the community list (financial contribution for private homeowners rightsizing). It is intended that 50% of homes in new age friendly housing developments will be used for rightsizing, with priority for tenants transferring from local areas, and one in five rightsizing opportunities will be available to private homeowners through the Community List. For inclusion on the community list, the Council and the homeowner must agree that the Council will either purchase their existing home at a discount of 30%-40% or accept a financial contribution from the net proceeds of sale of 20%-50%, depending on the homeowner’s age. Potential Community List applicants are strongly advised to get independent financial and legal advice to fully understand the terms and conditions involved. All other new age friendly homes will be for the existing social housing need of older persons.

Our 2020 County Age Friendly County Strategy highlighted local demographic and underoccupancy challenges following a significant census-on-census increase in the number and age profile of older people and noting that over 11% of our three- and four-bedroom social homes are occupied solely by just one or two older people living in homes.  There is considerable evidence from Tallaght University Hospital and other stakeholders about older persons’ accommodation circumstances and needs and the Council has worked with Age Friendly Ireland to research rightsizing attitudes, benefits and potential to inform our rightsizing policy.  There is huge potential to maximise the efficiency of existing public and private housing, but we recognise the diverse needs of older persons and aim to provide a voluntary opportunity for a better quality of life through rightsizing to homes that will meet their evolving needs into the future.

Our Healthy Age Friendly Homes Local Coordinator engages on a case-by-case basis with older person households to discuss rightsizing and other housing and healthcare supports.  Any current tenant or private homeowner who feels their home is no longer suitable for their needs can to discuss their accommodation options.