Monday, October 10, 2022
Report of Meeting of South Dublin Joint Policing Committee Meeting on Friday, 16th September 2022 at 10.00 a.m. in the Council Chamber (Hybrid Meeting)
In attendance:
Committee Members: Cllr. Lynn McCrave (Chair), Cllr. Emma Murphy (Mayor), Cllr. Yvonne Collins, Cllr. Mick Duff, Cllr. Shane Moynihan, Cllr. Derren Ó Brádaigh, Cllr. Eoin Ó Broin, Cllr. Shirley O'Hara, Cllr. Deirdre O’Donovan, Cllr. Cathal King, Sean Crowe, TD, John Lahart, TD, Emer Higgins, TD, Chief Supt. Finbarr Murphy and Supt. Ian Lackey (both An Garda Síochána), Noreen Byrne, John Conroy, Sue Dorgan and Rita Harte (all South Dublin Public Participation Network representatives), Trevor Bissett and Grace Hill (both Drugs and Alcohol Task Force representatives) and Colm Ward (South Dublin County Council).
In attendance: Jennifer Moroney Ward, Maria Nugent, Fionnuala Keane, Marian Travers and William Fowler (all South Dublin County Council) and Sarah Middleton (An Garda Síochána)
Apologies: Gemma Carton (Garda Youth Diversion) and Cllr. Liona O’Toole.
The Chair, Cllr Lynn McCrave, opened the meeting at 10 a.m. and it was agreed to amend the agenda to take the presentation on Domestic Violence later in the meeting.
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting & Matters Arising
The minutes of the previous meeting held on Friday 22nd April 2022 were noted and agreed as a true record of the previous meeting.
2. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
3. Correspondence:
Correspondence from Dublin City Council regarding the South Dublin JPC's request for representation on the Ballyfermot/Chapelizod Local Policing Forum was noted.
Correspondence from The Policing Authority in relation to the Annual Meeting of JPC Chairpersons and Chief Executives of Local Authorities was noted.
4. Governance:
It was noted that the correspondence from Dublin City Council (DCC) advised that no South Dublin councillor will be included on the Ballyfermot/Chapelizod Local Policing Fora Committee despite the South Dublin JPC having requested this arrangement. The DCC position is that Ballyfermot Gardai will continue to meet the Palmerstown Community under a separate arrangement and if a situation arises that warrants attendance by a Palmerstown Representative, this will be facilitated. It was also noted that elected representatives are welcome to attend Ballyfermot/Chapelizod LPF public meetings.
5. An Garda Síochána Reports
a.) Responses from An Garda Síochána to matters raised by JPC Members that were circulated prior to the meeting were noted.
b.) DMR South Reports:
Tallaght & Rathfarnham
Supt. Lackey gave a presentation with an overview of activity and statistics for the area which included the following:
Cllr. Murphy and Cllr. King both extended sympathies to the family and community of Rossfield after the recent tragic incident which Deputy Crowe noted highlighted the gaps in local mental health services.
Deputy Crowe also noted that the use of nitrous oxide cylinders continues to increase and that the correct and safe disposal of the cannisters needs to be addressed along with legislation surrounding the sale of the cannisters. G. Hill noted that Dáil representatives had previously committed to progressing legislation and that the Council needed to review the position regarding disposal which C. Ward committed to following up with the responsible Director of Environment, Water and Climate Change to provide an update for the next JPC meeting. It was agreed to include this item on the agenda for the next meeting.
(c.) DMR West Reports
Clondalkin & Rathcoole
Chief Supt. Murphy presented a report including the following key points:
Significant Crime reported:
Lucan & Ronanstown:
Chief Supt. Murphy presented an update on activities in the area including the following:
Significant Crime reported:
Significant Detections regarding Possession of Drugs for Sale and Supply:
Contributions and questions by Cllrs. Ó Brádaigh, Ó Broin and Moynihan were responded to by Chief Supt. Murphy.
6. Local Policing Fora Reports
Clondalkin LPF: No meetings have taken place in 2022.
D12 LPF: Report of the D12 LPF noted.
West Tallaght Community Safety Forum: The West Tallaght Community Safety Forum report was noted. A public meeting will take place in Autumn 2022.
North Clondalkin, Lucan and Palmerstown LPF: The North Clondalkin LPF Report was noted. A public meeting will take place in Autumn 2022. N. Byrne raised specific issues arising from the LPF meeting in relation to housing matters and follow-ups to matters previously raised including a boundary wall issue and the recommendations of the safety and inclusivity study. C. Ward agreed to follow up on these issues directly with N. Byrne.
7. Drugs Sub-Committee
The report relating to the Drugs Sub-Committee was noted.
G. Hill outlined the drugs and alcohol task force role in raising awareness of the harms associated with substances such as nitrous oxide which C. Ward committing to supporting.
8. Presentation: Domestic Violence
Chief Supt. Murphy gave a presentation on Domestic Violence, defining domestic violence and coercive control, profiling related circumstances, indicators and statistics while also outlining the related legislation and the role of An Garda Síochána in assisting victims. The presentation was acknowledged by the committee and it was agreed that it would be circulated.
Following a contribution by Deputy Crowe, C. Ward outlined the supports currently provided by the Council to agencies supporting victims of domestic abuse and confirmed that proposals for further supports would be considered as required.
9. Any Other Business
G. Hill raised a severe lack of community policing presence across Tallaght to which Supt. Lackey responded that there are currently some vacancies due to promotions and retirements which will be fille din due course but noted that community policing will have a new full-time Inspector while J. Conroy commented that there could be more Gardaí on bike patrol.
10. 2022 Schedule of Meetings:
It was noted that the final meeting of the Joint Policing Committee meetings in 2022 is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Friday 18th November 2022, to be held in the Council Chamber in County Hall, Tallaght as a hybrid meeting to facilitate remote attendance as required.
11. Rossfield Tragedy
Following a request from Cllr. McCrave, all committee members then observed a minute's silence for the victims of the tragic events in Rossfield.
The meeting then concluded at 12.30 p.m.