South Dublin County Council Crest


Wednesday, September 21, 2022


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

That this Area Committee requests that SDCC look at how they could enforce dogs on leads around the pond-stream in Rathcoole Park and that SDCC look at increasing signage to deal with this and get the dog warden to do regular checks of this area. Also to ask that the planned Dog park is away from the pond-stream area. There has been an issue of dogs attacking wildlife in this area and some report feeling unsafe with dogs off the lead around this area.


The Parks and Open Space Bye-Laws 2011 are in force to ensure that parks provided as a public amenity, are used by members of the public to the maximum extend in safety and comfort. The bye-laws cover a multitude of areas and it would not be practicable to provide individual signs in parks that relate to each specific element of the bye-laws. 

Instead, the Public Realm Section have a Park Ranger service that enforces the bye-laws during the course of their duties. The dog wardens do regular checks of this area and work with the Park Rangers when necessary.

Signage is in place in parks around watercourses where birds are fed by members of the public.  The signage provides guidance on what to feed the birds and what not to feed the birds.

A provision of €30,000 was made in the Public Realm Improvement Works Programme in 2021 for the provision of a dog run in Rathcoole Park. The scheme did not progress during that year, as the reinstatement of the park had only just been completed and it was felt necessary to allow the reinstated grass areas to become established. The development of the Rathcoole Masterplan is currently underway and it was considered necessary to allow that process to run it's course before the dog run location would be selected. Once the masterplan has been finalised a suitable location for the dog run will be selected and installation will take place. Procurement of the fencing has already been carried out and this will not delay the project, once a site can be selected.