Wednesday, June 22, 2022
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
Ref. Amendment 2.13 - This motion seeks to add wording to CSO10 SLO1 as provided and ensures alluvial woodland in Rathcoole is considered where CS10 SLO1 is concerned: From: To ensure that the provision of a primary school, library hub, 2 full sized GAA pitches and 1 junior pitch and associated pavilion, access road and open space is provided in tandem with new residential development. To: To ensure that the provision of a primary school, library hub, 2 full sized GAA pitches and 1 junior pitch and associated pavilion, access road and open space is provided in tandem with new residential development with due regard to GI7 SLO2 referencing Alluvial Woodlands in rural zoning in Rathcoole.
The motion seeks to reword CS10 SLO1 from: ‘To ensure that the provision of a primary school, library hub, 2 full sized GAA pitches and 1 junior pitch and associated pavilion, access road and open space is provided in tandem with new residential development’.
To Read: ‘To ensure that the provision of a primary school, library hub, 2 full sized GAA pitches and 1 junior pitch and associated pavilion, access road and open space is provided in tandem with new residential development with due regard to GI7 SLO2 referencing Alluvial Woodlands in rural zoning in Rathcoole.’
CS10 SLO1 as originally included in the Draft Plan read: ‘To investigate the potential for alternative land uses for the lands currently zoned RES-N (To provide for new residential communities in accordance with approved area plans) and OS (To preserve and provide for open space and recreational amenities) as identified by the SLO on the CDP land use zoning map, having regard to protecting existing habitats, Biodiversity and the Rathcoole Woodlands, the need for social and affordable housing, community infrastructure and access. Following this assessment, and where alternative land use arrangements are identified in line with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, to bring forward proposals for re-zoning.’
Following the public consultation period on the Draft Plan, a considerable number of submissions were received relating to the lands and to CS10 SLO1, and the Chief Executive responded under Chapter 2 Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy – Residential Zoning Submission – Rathcoole Woodlands, pg214 of the CE Report on the Draft Plan.
The response took account of the Specific Local Objective (CS10 SLO1) to investigate alternative land uses and the issues raised in the submissions. The CE recommended a revision of the zoning in the Draft Plan and put forward by way of a concept and zoning proposal an amended zoning to the Draft Plan to take account of the potential impact on the biodiversity and amenity of the area including the identified Annex 1 sites.
The CE Recommendations were agreed by the Elected Members at the Special Development Plan meetings in March 2022, subject to further amendments to the zoning (motions 73868 and 73938 to the Draft Plan) to increase the rural ‘RU’ zoning at the expense of the CE Recommended RES-N zoning and to include phasing requirements for the areas which were to be developed under the revised CS10 SLO1. As such, Proposed Amendment 2.13 went on public consultation. In the CE Report to the Material Amendments consultation the CE has recommended the retention of Proposed Amendment 2.13.
With regard to the additional wording subject of this motion, Section 12 (10) (c) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) states that “A further modification to the alteration – i) may be made where it is minor in nature and therefore not likely to have significant effects on the environment or adversely affect the integrity of a European site, (ii) shall not be made where it relates to – (I) an increase in the area of land zoned for any purpose, or (II) an addition to or deletion from the record of Protected Structures”. [Emphasis added]
GI7 SLO2 was inserted as a proposed material amendment on foot of a CE Recommendation and rewording following motion 73889 to add the word ‘adequate’ at the Special Development Plan meetings in March 2022. It states, “To ensure the adequate protection and augmentation of the identified Alluvial Rathcoole Woodlands within the zoning RU, and in recognising their value as green infrastructure and the potential linkages to Lugg Woods and Slade Valley and other amenity areas, provide for sensitive passive amenity uses which have regard to their Annex 1 status.”
The intent of the additional wording proposed by this motion is noted and it considered that the referencing of G17 SLO2 within CS10 SLO1 is acceptable as it is intrinsically linked to the overall sensitive development and protection of this area. However, it is proposed to amend the additional wording to read as follows: ‘To ensure that the provision of a primary school, library hub, 2 full sized GAA pitches and 1 junior pitch and associated pavilion, access road and open space is provided in tandem with new residential development having regard to the provisions of GI7 SLO2.’
It is considered that the additional wording would be a minor modification to CS10 SLO1 and would provide for a clear and transparent objective. Therefore, the minor modification of additional wording to CS10 SLO1 is recommended.
CE Recommendation: Make the plan with a minor modification to Amendment 2.13, CS10 SLO1 to read as follows:
‘To ensure that the provision of a primary school, library hub, 2 full sized GAA pitches and 1 junior pitch and associated pavilion, access road and open space is provided in tandem with new residential development having regard to the provisions of GI7 SLO2.’