Wednesday, June 22, 2022
MOTION: Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor R. McMahon
Ref Amendment 2.15 Kiltipper Road Page 94 CE Report - Map 9 To amend the draft development plan back to the plan as published and to change the zoning back to RU from RES, of the small area marked on map 9. Cllr Ronan McMahon and Cllr Brian Lawlor
The motion seeks to revert to the Draft plan retaining the Rural ‘RU’ zoning on Map 9 from the proposed Amendment 2.15 which zones it Existing Residential ‘RES’.
This rezoning proposal was put forward as a recommendation in the CE Report to the Draft Plan under submission SD-C195-232 (Peter McVerry Trust) and was subsequently accepted by the Elected Members under Headed Items, as no motions were made on this submission, at the Council Meeting on 9th March 2022. Proposed Amendment 2.15 went on public consultation and the CE has responded to submissions SD-C226-26, SD-C226-49 and SD-C226-69, which sought the rural zoning to be retained, with a recommendation of no change to Proposed Amendment 2.15.
Having further examined and considered the content of this motion, the view of the CE remains unchanged for the following reasons:
The lands in question comprise of existing residential properties with private open space to the rear. The existing properties form part of a row of dwellings located on the Kiltipper Road but unlike the houses to the west their rear gardens fall within the RES zoning to the north. The subject lands comprise of a natural and heavily vegetated boundary to the rear extending into the RES zoning as per the Draft Plan, separated from and south of Elder Park Housing Development.
Land use zoning objectives do not necessarily follow property boundaries. However, having regard to the existing residential use on site and the fact that they are partially within the RES zoning, it is considered reasonable that the subject lands zoned Objective ‘RU’ in the Draft Plan, be re-zoned to Objective ‘RES’ as per the Amendment, thereby providing one single land use class pertaining to the overall lands.
Table 10: Indicative Capacity of Additional Zoned Lands in the South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028 as proposed under Amendment 2.1 indicates a potential unit capacity of a maximum of 10 units at this location. Therefore, it is not considered that this will undermine the core strategy of the Development Plan. Furthermore, the Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR) has stated in their submission to the Proposed Amendments (SD-C226-65 ) that “…… new Table 10 (Indicative Capacity of Additional Zoned Lands), it is considered that the response to Recommendation 2 (i) is generally acceptable.”
In this context it is considered appropriate that the proposed rezoning under Proposed Amendment 2.15 remains.
CE Recommendation: Make the Plan with the Proposed Amendment 2.15 which rezones the land from RU to RES.