South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, June 13, 2022


Report of Joint Policing Committee Meeting held at 10 a.m. on Friday, 22nd April 2022 via Microsoft Teams

The Chair, Cllr. Emma Murphy, opened the meeting at 10 a.m.

  1. Election of the Joint Policing Committee Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson 
  1. Presentation by Tallaght Drugs and Alcohol Taskforce

TD&AF co-ordinator Ms. Grace Hill gave a presentation: “The Landscape of Substance Misuse and its Impact on the Communities of Tallaght’s Drugs and Alcohol Task Force.

The presentation outlined the methodology used for the latest research, the areas of disadvantage and the evidence that shows the link between areas of socio – economic inequality and drug related risk.  It highlighted that various findings including:

  1. Presentation: Community Engagement Issues – proper use of scramblers and quads

Andrew O’Byrne of Moyross Motor Club delivered a presentation on the work of the Moyross Motorcross Club in Limerick.  The presentation highlighted the challenges in finding a solution in which young persons and the community can get the benefit without having to change the behaviour and to move from an Anti-Social Problem to a Pro-Social Problem.  It is a complex issue with many factors involved. It has caused huge controversy particularly in light of recent high-profile accidents and media coverage.  Moyross Motorcross Club is a vehicle for community building and has set up a programme for youths which includes motorcycle maintenance, driver theory test, participation, roads policing involvement, fitness programme and Motorcross competitions.  The project is prohibited from using mechanically propelled vehicles in places designated as public under the Road Traffic Act.  Members are encouraged to only ride bikes in acceptable areas and there is a waiting list to get accepted on to the program in the area. 

The club promotes public safety and riding in designated areas through the disciplined sport of Motorcross.

The Roads Policing Unit are involved and provide competency testing, tuition, and safety education.

The following challenges to communities where scrambler and quad bikes are causing issues were outlined:

The opportunities for a successful club were also outlined:

There are a number of other considerations to be factored in such as:

Following a discussion on the current issues regarding the misuse of Scrambler and Quad bikes and the recent accident in Sean Walsh Park, the JPC Committee agreed to set up a JPC Community Engagement-Scrambler and Quad bike subcommittee to address the issues.  Representatives from Public Realm, the Community Department and the JPC will form this subcommittee.

It was also agreed to arrange a visit for the subcommittee to Moyross Motorcross Club to see how the club works there and to investigate if a similar club could be set up in South Dublin.

A letter from the JPC Chairperson is to be sent to the family of the child who was injured in Sean Walsh Park on behalf of the committee.

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting & Matters Arising

The minutes of the previous meeting held on Friday 28th January 2022 had been circulated and were proposed by Deputy John Lahart, seconded by Cllr. Carly Bailey and agreed as a true record of the previous meeting with no matters arising.

  1. Correspondence

There was no correspondence for noting.

  1. Governance

The PPN nominated Rita Harte and John Conroy to fill the two PPN Vacancies on the JPC Drug Subcommittee.

Councillor membership on Ballyfermot LPF has been sought and currently awaiting a response from the Chair of the LPF Cllr Vincent Jackson.

  1. Garda Reports

7.1 Tallaght & Rathfarnham – DMR South

Chief Supt. Duff gave a presentation with an overview of activity and statistics for the area which included the following:

Increases in Domestic Violence, Burglary, Theft, Criminal Damage, Unauthorised Taking of Vehicles, Breach of Protection Orders, Possession of Offensive weapons, and detection of drivers under the influence of drugs and intoxication.

Slight increase in robbery from persons.

Ongoing engagement with transport stakeholders LUAS and Dublin Bus.

7.2 Clondalkin & Rathcoole– DMR West

Chief Supt. Murphy presented a report including the following key points:

Increases in Assault Causing Harm, Burglary, Theft from Shop and MPV, Unauthorised Taking of Vehicles, Public Order Incidents, Breach of Domestic Violence Orders and Domestic Violence.

Significant Crime reported:

7.3 Lucan & Ronanstown – DMR West

Chief Supt. Murphy, presented an update on activities in the area including the following:

Increases in Criminal Damage, Possession of Drugs for Personal use, Breach of Domestic Violence Orders, Assault Causing Harm, Burglary, Theft from Shop, Unauthorised Taking of Vehicles and Fraud and

Significant Crime reported:

Five Domestic Burglaries occurred in the Lucan area on the morning of the 11th January 2022. Suspect in custody. All stolen property was recovered.

Significant Detections regarding Possession of Drugs for Sale and Supply:

Due to the increase in Domestic Violence incidents, it was suggested a presentation be given at a future JPC.

  1. Local Policing Fora Reports

    8.1 Clondalkin LPF:No meetings have taken place in 2022.

    8.2 D12 LPF:Report of the D12 LPF noted. Public Meeting taking place in Mother McAuley Centre, Drimnagh on Tuesday 24th May 2022 at 7.30 p.m.

8.3 West Tallaght Community Safety Forum: The West Tallaght Community Safety Forum report was noted. A public meeting will take place in Autumn 2022.

8.4 North Clondalkin, Lucan and Palmerstown LPF:  The North Clondalkin LPF Report was noted.  A public meeting will take place in Autumn 2022.

  1. JPC Annual Report 2021

The JPC Annual Report 2021 was circulated in advance of the meeting and agreed by the Committee.

  1. JPC Subgroups: Drug Subcommittee.

The JPC Drugs Subcommittee presented a report on Drug Debt Intimidation and the Drug Debt Intimidation Safe Home Scheme.

The JPC Committee agreed to fund €4,000 to set up the Drug Debt Intimidation Safe Home Scheme - €2,000 to the Clondalkin Drugs & Alcohol Task Force and €2,000 to the Tallaght Drugs and Alcohol Task Force.

Both Taskforces are to report back to the JPC at the end of 2022.

  1. Any Other Business

It was agreed that the next JPC meeting would be a hybrid meeting.

Grace Hill asked if there was any update on the legislation surrounding the use of Nitrous Oxide?  Deputy Lahart and Deputy Crowe agreed to work together and progress this issue.

  1. 2022 Schedule of Meetings

The following is the proposed schedule of Joint Policing Committee meetings in 2022:

10 a.m. Friday 16th September 2022 (hybrid – Council Chamber)

10 a.m. Friday 18th November 2022 (venue tbc)

The meeting ended at 12.05 p.m.