Tuesday, May 24, 2022
MOTION: Councillor L. O'Toole
This committee calls on the Chief Executive to provide an update to members in regards to the examination and review of the roads connectivity existing and future with the view to remove HGV's of the Newcastle road which has been demonstrated many times via motions tabled at area committee over the last number of years, that the road design has unprecedented exits and entrance and has an high footfall of pedestrians/cyclists and school going children. With the newly built Celbridge link road due to open soon and the planned Clonburris link road, to ask Chief Executive to look at other possible linkages to alleviate traffic including the HGV's . If a detailed map of Lucan roads including projected ones could be provided as part of the response.
I attach a map of roads network in the Lucan Area along with this Motion report. The map also shows the future Roads proposals for this area which are detailed within the draft proposed County Development Plan 2022-2028. The proposed roads have dotted Red and Blue lines on the attached map.
The R120 is a regional road. This is a third tier road designation in Irelands Road Classification. The Road Hierarchy Classification is: 1. Motorway: 2. National Road: 3. Regional Road 4. Local Road.
The definition of a Regional Road is: A regional road (Irish: bóthar réigiúnach) in the Republic of Ireland is a class of road not forming a major route (such as a national primary road or national secondary road), but nevertheless forming a link in the national route network.
Therefore, a regional road is a link road. A road that has the function of a vehicle link to the wider network of roads. There are normally no restrictions on the class of vehicle allowed to use a regional road. This is markedly different to local roads, where weight restrictions can apply due to narrowness, or structural weaknesses that cannot accommodate HGV's.
The R120 demonstrates these functions: It is a link road connecting to the N4 and onwards westwards to the M4 and eastwards to the M50. It also links several village centres such as Newcastle Village, Lucan Village, Adamastown, and in time to the Clonburris development. It also is connected to Grangecastle Business Park.
There are also several residential communities along with supporting schools, shops and other amenities adjacent to the R120.
All these functions can cause conflicts between the various users of this road. The Motion mentions removing HGV's from the R120. With Grangecastle Business Park, Retail Centres, bus routes and construction of residential estates in Adamstown and Clonburris in the near future, banning or restricting HGV's needs to be carefully considered.
There are some additional link roads that are planned in this area: Some are being delivered at the moment such as the Celbridge link road. This will give another route northwards to the N4. The Clonburris southern link road will offer a road eastwards onto both the R136, and R113. But the design of this link road does not suit a HGV route because of the design features it will have.
The current policy is not to add significantly to the road network. Investment is focused on public transport and active travel improvements. Only as a last resort, and if there is strong evidence of additional need, will the TII and NTA consider the delivery of new roads.
Although the Western Orbital road is included within the SDCC County Development Plan 2022-2028 (dotted Blue Line on attached map), there is no firm commitment from the NTA/TII that this road will be funded and delivered.
In relation to HGV's on the R120, SDCC will be conducting a County wide HGV review starting at the end of 2022. As I said earlier, this particular location needs careful consideration under that review. There will be a consultation process for the Public and Elected members under that HGV policy review.
Please Note: If the map opens and is on its side, right click your mouse on the map and the option for rotate clockwise appears. Left click on the Rotate option and the map will rotate.