Tuesday, May 24, 2022
MOTION: Councillor P. Gogarty
That the Chief Executive provides a definitive and hopefully positive response regarding the continuation of a Naíonra and afterschool in the refurbished leisure centre as requested on multiple occasions by myself and a number of other elected reps, as well as clarification for other previously requested clubs, given that the tender process has advanced; and, noting that a timescale for the completion of the swimming pool was not given as requested last month, to provide an update to members on the likely opening date of both facilities and reopening of the car park, given the huge inconvenience being experienced by users and by residents of Ash Park.
The tender process for the management, maintenance and operation of the Lucan Leisure Campus, incorporating both the new Lucan Swimming Pool and the existing Luan Leisure Centre, is now at the second stage with potential operators shortly due to engage with the Council to review key operational objectives in preparation for submission of final tenders. The tender process will explore all sustainable operational options for this sports and leisure complex and under the tender process and the new operator will be required to reasonably accommodate local sporting groups in using the sports and leisure facilities, including prior user groups pre-dating the proposed management arrangements, along with Esker Boxing Club, for whom access under licence to specific areas and facilities within the existing Lucan Leisure Centre facility will be provided.
At the time of the closure of Lucan Leisure Centre last August, no guarantees were given in relation to the Naíonra and Afterschool Club childcare business being provided with operational space in the new campus. This is because the primary focus of the campus is to provide sports and leisure services so there is no obligation on tenderers to incorporate childcare operations into their tender submissions in case any regulatory or other related requirements would impact on tenders. However, tenderers will be advised of the previous childcare services provided on site and, as promised to Naíonra management, the Council will facilitate contact to explore whether the childcare services can be within their operating model.
It should be noted that, due to significant challenges with the construction programme for the campus, the leisure centre will not be open in time for the commencement of the new school year this autumn, or indeed potentially for a number of months thereafter. A revised programme for the construction works is currently being finalised by the contractor to account for various supply, labour and cost challenges with a completion date well into Q4 2022 for the works now likely unfortunately.