South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, May 08, 2006


QUESTION: Cllr. Derek Keating

 To ask the Manager to report on what recent representations this Local Authority has made to the Government given the increasing traffic congestion being experienced by motorists in South Dublin and the consequential negative impact on the qaulity of life of the families of this county. Arising from any such representations, what improvements can be expected by the people of South Dublin and within what time frame?


The relief of traffic congestion is a key element of the Transportation Strategy of this county.  The Transportation Strategic Policy Committee has since its inception endeavoured to review every aspect of our transportation policy.  The Dublin Transportation Office 'Platform for Change' is the foundation on which this policy is grounded and the two main interdependent elements of this strategy are:

1. Infrastructure and services improvements to increase the supply of transport, including a substantial expansion of the public transport network, some strategic road construction and traffic management.

2. Demand Management, to reduce the growth in travel through the application of land use and other policies while maintaining economic progress, and which is designed to encourage a transfer of trips, espcially at peak periods, from the private car to sustainable modes of transport (such as public transport, cycling and walking).

As an integrated strategy this will be most effective when both elements are implemented together.

The areas that this Council can address in the improvement of infrastructure are being pursued rigorously - National Roads Programme, Non National Roads Programme, Quality Bus Corridor Programme, expansion of the Traffic Managment Centre, Cycle Lanes, construction of Green Cycle Routes and Mobility Management .  Representations are ongoing to the Department of Transport, Department of the Environment, National Roads Authority, Dublin Transportation Office, Railway Procurement Agency, Dublin Bus amongst others, with regard to all issues arising from their programme in this County as well as the Greater Dublin Area.

At present we are in contact with the Department of Transport with regard to the implementation of our bus based Park & Ride Programme and pressing the case for a school tranport pilot project.  With the National Roads Authority there is an ongoing interface to deliver the M50 and N4 improvements and to define the timescale for the N81 scheme.  Our Non-National Road Programme is gaining momentum as design work and Part 8 procedures progress.

The Department of Transport and Dublin Bus are being pressed constantly for improvements to the bus service to avail of our recently constructed Quality Bus Corridor network.  Similarily the Department of Transport, Dublin Transportation Office and the Railway Procurement Agency have been requested to liaise with this Council to allow detailed route planning of the proposed Metro and LUAS lines to proceed as matter of urgency.

The main improvements to the County infrasture which will relieve traffic congestion are listed above, with Phase 1 of the M50 Improvement Scheme completed within two years, being the major one.  Other schemes will be delivered as set out in their detailed programmes and in combination with improved public transport will be the key drivers in reducing traffic congestion and improving the quality of life.