Monday, March 14, 2022
HEADED ITEM NO. 4 (e) (i)
Draft Minutes of Social, Community & Equality Strategic Policy Committee Meeting at 3p.m. on Tuesday 15 February 2022 via Microsoft Teams:
In Attendance: Cllr. T. Gilligan (Chair), Cllr. V. Casserly, Cllr C. O’Connor, Cllr. S. O'Hara, L. Byrne (PPN), D. Hennessy (PPN).
Apologies: Cllr C. Bailey, Cllr. P Holohan.
Officials Present: C. Ward (Director of Services), J. Moroney Ward (Senior Executive Officer), J. Hayden, (Administrative Officer), M Murtagh, (Administrative Officer), C Farrelly, (Sports Recreational Officer), M. Nugent (Senior Staff Officer), F. Keane (Senior Staff Officer), M. Farrell (Clerical Officer).
The Chair, Cllr T. Gilligan opened the meeting and welcomed Cllr. Charlie O’Connor and Lynn Byrne (PPN) to the committee. He also thanked Cllr. Emma Murphy for her contributions to the committee during her membership.
H1. Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes from the last meeting held on the 16th of November 2021 were Noted and Agreed.
H2. 2022 Workplans and Priorities
C. Ward presented the 2022 SPC workplans and confirmed that two working groups would need to be established during the 2022 work programme to help progress the Local Sports Plan and the Community Facilities Governance & Strategy. The report was Noted.
H3. School Sports Programmes
C. Farrelly delivered a report on the school sports programmes by the Council and the South Dublin County Sports Partnership outlining why and how the Council work with schools. There were contributions from Cllr. Gilligan and D. Hennessy in relation to the importance of sports in dealing with mental health issues and the importance of the schools to clubs links. C Ward asked the committee for their suggestions in relation to the Local Sports Plan and encouraged them to submit ideas to him.
The report was Noted.
H4. Community Development Review
C.Ward updated the Committee on the process to date. External consultants were engaged to carry out the review, liaised with staff, other stakeholders and a representative of this committee (Cllr E. Murphy) before delivering a report with key recommendations including:
Next steps include advising staff of the proposed changes and establishing a model ensuring an evidence-based approach.
Following a contribution from Cllr. Gilligan, the report was Noted.
H5. Community Grants 2021 Overview & 2022 Timetable
A pre-recorded presentation by J. Hayden was made available to the committee in advance of the meeting outlining the timeline for Grants administration in 2022 and the use of the Salesforce platform in helping to refine the online application process and to help with oversight.
There were queries from D. Hennessy, L. Byrne, Cllr. O'Connor and Cllr. Gilligan in relation to distribution spread of grants throughout the county and skills necessary to complete the application forms. The queries were responded to by J. Hayden and C. Ward.
The report was Noted.
H6. SPC Rep on Sports Partnership Committee
C Ward informed the committee that Cllr. Emma Murphy, who is a nominee to the board from the Council's Social, Community & Equality SPC, notified South Dublin County Sports Partnership of her intention to step down from the committee with immediate effect. The Committee was therefore requested to propose and agree a suitable replacement from the Elected Members within its membership to replace Cllr. Murphy.
C Ward said he would follow up with the committee members for nominations.
The report was Noted.
H7. Age Friendly Update
A pre-recorded presentation was made available to the committee in advance of the meeting by J. Moroney Ward. There was a question from Cllr. Gilligan in relation to the installation of Carbon Monoxide Alarms & the Home Security Scheme in 2022. C. Ward and J. Moroney Ward responded, and the report was Noted.
H8. Selected Capital Project Updates
A pre-recorded presentation by P. McAlerney was made available to the Committee in advance outlining updates on selected Community Department capital projects in the County. There were queries from Cllr. O’Hara, Cllr. Gillian and Cllr. O’Connor which were responded to by C. Ward and J. Moroney Ward in relation to timelines on delivery of projects.
H9. Leisure Centre Management
J. Moroney Ward delivered a report on the current activities in Lucan Leisure Campus and updates on SDLC in Clondalkin and Tallaght.
There were two queries from Cllr. Gilligan in relation to the financial arrangements in place with the management companies of some of the leisure facilities and a request for an update in relation to the repair works on the boom in the Clondalkin pool. Both queries were responded to by C. Ward and the report was noted.
H10. Items for Noting
A number of information items and reports provided for the Committee were noted as follows:
There was a query from Cllr. Gilligan in relation to the Community Facilities Survey and if it would be made available to the SPC. J. Moroney Ward confirmed that she would have a full report at the next SPC.
H11. Any Other Business
There was no further business and the meeting concluded at 4.15pm.