Monday, March 14, 2022
QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor
To ask the Chief Executive to confirm his continued actions to attract new job opportunities to our County; will he detail contacts he has maintained in the matter and will he make a statement?
Economic Development support was one the key cross cutting themes that emerged from the consultations of the South Dublin Corporate 2020-2024 plan and is at the heart of everything we do. We work to facilitate investment and enterprise, which helps to create sustainable employment, which, in turn, supports our communities and contributes to the competitive urban economy within the capital.
The December 2021 Corporate Plan Annual Report highlights how the upgrade and enhanced aesthetic presentation of the County continued, with the commencement of the Templeogue Village enhancement project, the planning of major works for Lucan Village and our first district enhancement project at Tymon shopping centre. The second phase of the N81 landscaping project was also completed. These improvements, underway and planned, are all part of our Economic Development Strategy, as is the expansion of Grange Castle Business Park, and the planned Innovation Centre in Tallaght town centre, which is about to commence construciton in Q1 2022.
Forward planning is also a key component of our Economic Development Strategy. In 2021 we published our new Draft County Development Plan for the period 2022 – 2028, which provides the strategic framework for economic policy over the next 6 years. This project has involved enagagement with all of the key national stakeholders and statutory bodies.
We also commenced consultation on the largest planned urban regeneration project in this country, incorporating 700 hectares along the Naas Road, east of the M50, which will create a new mixed-use environment for the Dublin region. The associated “CITY EDGE” Strategy will be published and submitted to government early in 2022. This project has involved enagagement with all of the key national stakeholders and statutory bodies, including the IDA, Enterprise Ireland and Failte Ireland, with a major focus on job creation in the longer-term.
South Dublin Local Enterprise Development Plan which was launched in November 2021 highlights the focus on local enterprise support for job creation in it’s Mission Statement details reproduced below:-
Local Enterprise Office (LEO) South Dublin aim to promote entrepreneurship, foster sustainable business start-ups, and develop existing micro and small businesses to drive job creation and to provide accessible high-quality supports for your Business ideas. Entrepreneurs and Businesses are supported to: