South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, February 28, 2022


QUESTION: Councillor K. Mahon

"Can management update on recent works to create pathways, as highlighted by The Friends of Tymon Park volunteer group, in Tymon Park at the forest area near the National Basketball Arena and at the M50 perimeter hedgerows? Can management report on the purpose of the work and what ecological assessment was carried out in advance? Will management respond to the correspondence from the Friends of Tymon Park group and endeavour to build an improved working relationship with them over the coming period?"


The pruning and removal of some trees in the woodland area near the basketball arena and adjacent to the M50 which was carried out in recent weeks was part of routine maintenance of the park and was required due to a number of trees that were found to be dead or dying, and also a number of trees were found to have split or damaged trunks which required attention.  Somewhere in the region of 20 trees were removed and all were either dead or diseased, the removal of these trees was therefore both necessary and appropriate.   This type of woodland maintenance is good practice and will help to ensure the health of the woodland into the future.

The hedge trimming work carried out in the same area of the park was also routine and good practice, hedges in the park are trimmed once every three years and this is required to ensure the continued good health of the hedgerows.  In some cases the hedges and brambles have been cut back and interplanted with new hedging.  All of this work was done within the period allowed by the Wildlife Act, that is from Sept 1st to Feb 28th.  This work was done using a tractor mounted flail, it is not possible for the Council to cut hedges using handheld hedge trimmers due to the large volume of hedges which we cut each year in parks, around open spaces and along public roads and footpaths.

There is no running or cycle track being developed in the park, this is not the reason for the work that has been carried out. No habitats have been destroyed and no badger setts have been damaged while carrying out the work, as had been claimed.  Replacement planting of trees will take place in the park in due course.  Some hedgerows have been strengthened by interplanting with new hedging in some places and further work of this type will be carried out in due course.