Monday, February 14, 2022
Report of Joint Policing Committee Meeting held at 10 a.m. on Friday, 18th January 2022 via Microsoft Teams
The Chair, Cllr. Emma Murphy, opened the meeting at 10 a.m.
1. Presentation by Tallaght Drugs and Alcohol Taskforce
TD&AF co-ordinator Ms. Grace Hill gave a brief summary presentation of the recent research report and associated recommendations which was circulated and noted by the Committee. As Ms. Hill could not give the full presentation at this time, it was agreed that it could be rescheduled to a future meeting.
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting & Matters Arising
The minutes of the previous meeting held on Friday 19th November 2021 had been circulated and were proposed by Cllr. Murphy, seconded by Deputy Higgins and agreed as a true record of the previous meeting with no matters arising.
3. Correspondence
There was no correspondence for noting.
4. Governance
The Chair welcomed Mr. John Conroy and Ms. Rita Harte as the new PPN representatives on the committee.
It was agreed that there should be follow-up correspondence and meetings with Dublin City Council if necessary to ensure that there is appropriate representation from the Palmerstown area at the Ballyfermot Local Policing Forum.
It was noted that the PPN are to nominate a representative to the Drugs Sub-Committee which is scheduled to meet in Q1 2022.
A report was circulated detailing the request for approval for the installation of CCTV at specific locations in MacUilliam was outlined. Following queries from Deputy Crowe, C. Ward confirmed that the proposed CCTV was being progressed in conjunction with the local residents' committee and will be monitored by the Council only, with a 30-day recording period, and that appropriate signage will be erected in the area. This was proposed by Cllr. Murphy, seconded by Mayor Kavanagh and approved by the Committee. Deputy Crowe further recommended that CCTV on Fortunestown Road would complement the introduction of the proposed CCTV was considered and this was noted.
6. Garda Reports
6.1 Tallaght & Rathfarnham – DMR South
Chief Supt. Duff gave a presentation with an overview of activity and statistics for the area which included the following:
Cllrs. Emma Murphy raised issues relating to burned animal remains found in Ballyboden that was reported to Rathfarnham Garda Station and also in relation to anti-social behaviour and criminal damage to public transport infrastructure and signage. In response, Supt. Duff advised that there are active investigations into recent anti-social behaviour and criminal damage relating to public transport.
6.2 Clondalkin & Rathcoole – DMR West
Chief Supt. Murphy presented a report including the following key points:
Cllrs. Kavanagh, Ó Broin, O'Bradaigh, Bailey and O'Hara and Deputies Ward and Higgins contributed with the following queries and comments:
In response, Chief. Supt. Murphy outlined the types of financial fraud and technology used to perpetrate such fraud and requested all partners to work to increase awareness of cyber safety and in particular to heighten awareness of the risk of financial fraud by scam callers and texts. He also outlined how patrols are managed and will be employed for surveillance in the area of Corkagh Park and generally in the area but that that further information on patrols is not shared to ensure patrol routes cannot be predicted. He also confirmed that he will discuss other operational matters with Supt. Twomey but that he would not be addressing staffing levels in a public forum.
7.3 Lucan & Ronanstown – DMR West
Chief Supt. Murphy, presented an update on activities in the area including the following:
In response to this presentation and previous queries from Members, Chief Supt. Murphy proposed that JPC will receive a detailed presentation to members on responses to domestic violence throughout the County. He outlined that there are now various approaches and networks which exist to support those at risk and that elected representatives and communities should be aware of the many options and supports available to support safety in reporting such crimes. he also advised that all 999 calls in relation to domestic abuse are followed up even if there is no response at the door at the first visit.
8. Local Policing Fora Reports
8.1 Clondalkin LPF: The Clondalkin section of the report was noted along with the intention to hold a public meeting in Q1 2022.
8.2 D12 LPF: Noted the most recent meeting in October with issues arising, similar to other areas regarding the holding of meetings during recent circumstances.
8.3 West Tallaght Community Safety Forum: The West Tallaght Community Safety Forum report was noted, including discussion on anti-social behaviour and vandalism at Luas stops. The forum met in January and has a regular meeting schedule in place.
8.4 North Clondalkin, Lucan and Palmerstown LPF: The LPF reported that community crime impact assessment in Balgaddy is being actioned and that work is ongoing with Ronanstown Gardai on anti-social behaviour around the St Mark’s area. Meetings will resume in February.
In response to West Tallaght Community Safety Forum, Supt. Lackey confirmed that he has regular contact with LUAS and Dublin Bus in relation to incidents and that the Dublin Bus/Luas Community Forum was resuming meetings.
The LPF reports were noted by the Committee.
9. JPC Strategic Plan 2016-2022
The report was noted and it was agreed that advice would continue to be sought form the Policing Authority on the development of a subsequent plan for post-2022.
10. JPC Subgroups: Drug Subcommittee
It was noted that the subcommittee is anticipated to resume meetings this quarter.
10. Any Other Business
The Chair noted the ongoing strong attendance at online meetings but also expressed hopes that in-person meetings will be possible in the coming months.
The Chair announced that she would be standing down as Chairperson of the Committee after this meeting and Mayor Kavanagh, C.Ward, Chief Supt. Murphy and Chief Supt. Duff all spoke to acknowledge her work and effectiveness in chairing the Committee for the past two and a half years and these comments were endorsed by the Committee. Cllr. Murphy thanked the administrative team for the support in running meetings, acknowledged the high-levels of engagement by all involved in meetings and re-iterated the importance of this committee to the citizens of the County.
12. 2022 Schedule of Meetings
The following is the proposed schedule of Joint Policing Committee meetingd in 2022:
The meeting ended at 11.40am.