Monday, February 14, 2022
QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons
To ask the Chief Executive to issue a report into how he intends to address the congestion on our roads especially our villages by electoral area and how will planning assess and deal with this in regard to planning decisions for Further housing and development?
Addressing traffic congestion in our County remains one of the highest priorities for South Dublin County Council. There is a hierachy of Strategy documents that identifies the Planning and Transport needs for the Greater Dublin Area. Each high level document sets out the main visions, aims and masterplans in relation to planning and transport for the Greater Dublin Area. These high level Strategies inform and guide the content of the lower level and more detailed plans and objectives at a county wide, and down to the neigbourhood level.
Currently we are supporting the NTA in the delivery of the GDA Transport Strategy in our County. This overarching transport Strategy sets out a framework for the provision of efficient, effective and sustainable movement of people and goods in the Greater Dublin area over the period 2022-2042. The GDA Transport Strategy feeds into our SDCC planning and transport policies contained in our County Development Plan. In the SDCC County Development Plan more detailed planning and transport strategies are developed into supporting objectives and action plans to deliver projects and services that are aligned with the overall GDA Transport Strategy.
The main themes identified in the GDA Transport Strategy are:
1. The Importance of Compact Growth
2. Encourage a better Travel Mode share by increasing Public Transport, Active Travel journeys and discouraging use of the Private car.
3. Provide supporting sustainable transport infrastructure for our growing residential and econmic needs.
Some of main Transport Infrastructural Projects Identified in the GDA Strategy are:
A. Bus Connects Rapid Transport Corridors and Orbital Bus Routes
B. GDA Cycle network expansion - (Cycle South Dublin progamme)
B. Dart+ Southwest project
C. Lucan Luas
D. Luas Tallaght to City Centre via Kimmage and Knocklyon
SDCC are continuing to press the NTA for timely delivery of these important projects for our County. In addition we continue to highlight the need for specific Transport studies within the villages of Lucan, Clondalkin and Rathcoole/Newcastle/Saggart to ascertain the most effective interventions to assist Bus Priority and Active Travel. We have also highlighted that timely supporting sustainable infrastructure is required for our new major growth areas such as at the proposed City Edge Project, and to facilitate the build out of Adamstown and Clonburris SDZ.
SDCC are confident that the timely delivery of these transport measures will allleviate existing congestion on our roads and facilitate the planned growth in our County.