Tuesday, January 25, 2022
MOTION: Councillor Shane Moynihan
That the Chief Executive will provide an update on progress on the proposed resolution of the breaches in the boundary wall between Mount Andrew and St Edmunds and if he will make a statement on the matter, including a timeline for resolution.
The following planning history is relevant:
Planning Reference - SD05A/0090.PL065.213918
Development description: The development has been revised to provide a total of 577 no.residential units and comprising 501 no. units in blocks 2 to 8 ranging in height from 2 to 6 storeys and comprising 51 no. 1 bedroom apartment units, 347 no. 2 bedroom apartment units, 36 no. 3 bedroom apartment units, 10 no. 2 bedroom duplex units, 30 no. 3 bedroom duplex units, 12 no. 4 bedroom duplex, 2 no. 2 bedroom houses, 10 no.3 bedroom houses and 3 no. 4 bedroom houses. In addition, the development comprises 4 no 2 storey 2 bedroom houses, 15 no 3 storey 3 bedroom houses, 36 no 2 storey 3 bedroom houses, 20 no.3 storey 4 bedroom houses and 1 no. 2 storey 4 bedroom house. A retail unit (286 sq m) is provided at ground floor level of block 2. 987 no. communal car parking spaces are provided to serve the residential units and retail units of which 554 no. are located at basement level of blocks 2, 3, 4, and 5. Block 1 comprises a leisure centre (3,534 sq,m) at the ground and first floor level and medical centre (482 sq.m.) at first floor level. 124 no. car parking spaces are provided of which 114 no. are at basement level. The development also provides for a 2 storey creche (695 sq.m) with 11 no. car spaces. Vehicular/ pedestrian access is to be from St Lomans Road with additional pedestrian accesses to the N4 via St Lomans Hospital and to Mount Andrew Avenue. An Environmental Impact Statement accompanies this application.
Conditions 1 and 9 of SD05A/0090/PL065.213918. Condition 1 states the 'The development shall be carried out in its entirety in accordance with the plans, particulars and specifications lodged with the original application , SD05A/0090 / PL 06S.213918 (subsequently amended under SD06A/0519, SD06A/0958, SD07A/0485 & SD09A/0002), save as may be required by the other conditions attached hereto.
REASON: To ensure that the development shall be in accordance with the permission, and that effective control be maintained.
Condition 9 states 'Prior to commencement of development, details of all boundary walls and fences and any other means of enclosure to be erected on the site shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Planning Authority. REASON: In the interest of visual amenities of the area and the privacy of existing and future occupants of the development and of property in the vicinity.
Planning Enforcement have opened an Enforcement file and are carrying out preliminary investigations / site visits to establish who is responsible for the boundary treatment. A reference search has also been requested to establish ownership details. A definitive timeframe for resolution cannot be determined however Planning Enforcement will continue to progress the case to bring it to a resolution. Member’s can be appended to the file if they wish and statutory correspondence will issue to them as decisions on enforcement actions are made.